
Toomas Oosalu

We’ve made significant enhancements to thirdweb Insight, allowing you to efficiently query ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 token balances for any address.

Faster Queries on Large Chains

We identified latency issues on bigger chains where some requests took over 10 seconds.
Our improved indexing logic has reduced p99 query latency to under 1.5 seconds across all chains.
This is just the first step and we'll keep on improving the performance of Insight

Want to try it out? All endpoints are available on our playground: ERC-20 queries, ERC-721 queries and ERC-1155 queries.

Or integrate them into your app:

const getVitalikNftsOnBase = async () => {
try {
const response = await fetch('', {
headers: {
"x-client-id": clientId,
const balances = await response.json();
return balances
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);

📖 Learn more about Insight - it’s open source and ready to power your applications!

Toomas Oosalu

Insight open source indexer has received it's first major version upgrade in beta to 1.0.2-beta and brings with it more scalable reorg handling, better reliability and more performance.

New Features

  • Token Balances API endpoint - The indexer API now has a new `/balances/:owner/:type` endpoint to retrieve token balances by type (ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155) for a specified address. Added features include aggregation support, customizable responses, and options for pagination and filtering.
  • Materialized views for token balances - Created materialized views to keep track of token balances as logs are being inserted.
  • Chain based table configuration for Clickhouse - when using Clickhouse as a data store, you can now configure table names and default columns.
  • Field selection for storage connectors - Specific fields can be fetched via storage connectors to not query everything and improve performance.

Reliability and Performance

  • Improved reorg handling with Clickhouse data store - Migrated database tables to use `VersionedCollapsingMergeTree` for better data accuracy and scale when indexing multiple chains.
    NB! This is a breaking change!
  • Added serialization for API responses with specific column selection to better control the data returned. Also replaced array-based topics in logs with fixed columns for more reliable data handling.
  • Enhanced committing integrity - added safeguards to track the last committed block, preventing data inconsistencies and duplicate insertion.
  • Graceful shutdown - Implemented context cancellation for all orchestrator components to support graceful shutdown, improving application reliability during deployment disruptions.
  • GetTraces Consistency - Updated trace fetching logic to conform to API standards and enabling consistent pagination and filtering across the codebase

This update introduces substantial improvements in API functionality and performance, database consistency, and overall reliability. These changes facilitate better integration, data retrieval, and system robustness, especially in cloud-deployed environments.

Learn more about Insight and how to use it.
Insight is open source.

Joaquim Verges

We're creating the next evolution of thirdweb Pay with Universal Bridge.

Coinbase onramp provider

You can now onramp with over 40 fiat currencies to any token using just a credit card. This gives your users zero fees on select currencies, and no KYC required for low amounts.


1,000 new routes added

We've added new chains and new tokens available to bridge and swap. Over 1000 routes were added and more coming.

10x faster quotes

We're working on improved infrastructure to provide up to 10x faster quotes! These improvements will steadily roll out over the coming weeks.

UI Component improvements

We've been refining the UI of our prebuilt PayEmbed for all use cases: top up, commerce and transactions. Improvements include: showing fiat values next to token value everywhere, refined token selection flow, better error messaging and more.


Core Updates

  • Updated Thirdweb Rust static libraries to v1
    • In-App Wallets now have near 1:1 functionality with Ecosystem Wallets and share the same infrastructure.
    • Existing wallets will be automatically migrated to the new enclave infrastructure upon first login if needed.
  • Smart Wallet Factory improvements
    • Factory address is now stored on creation, eliminating the need for repeated declarations in nodes.
  • Write Contract node enhancements
    • Now implemented as a K2Node, allowing for raw data input via JSON.

Fixes & Optimizations

  • File length constraint fixes
    • Renamed all async tasks to comply with Epic's new 170-character file length rule, which previously caused issues due to plugin name hashing.
  • Unreal Engine Version Specific Compilation Issues
    • Added various conditional imports to additional headers resolving version-specific compilation issues.
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed an issue where abstract class instantiation was attempted from Blueprints; now properly using the HasDedicatedNode meta tag.
    • Resolved an Android packaging error with the Thirdweb plugin in UE 5.4.
    • Fixed a crash on startup when packaging for Mac.
    • Fixed Write Contract ExpandNode Error.
    • Removed Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) and related project settings.
    • Fixed multiple compilation, build, and packaging issues.

Quality of Life Improvements

  • Improved Examples
    • Updated samples to use the latest fixed nodes.
  • DX improvements
    • Various enhancements to Thirdweb editor utilities.
  • Other updates
    • Updated copyright to 2025.


Unreal Engine v2.0.0 | Fab Marketplace (May not be up to date at the time of reading this, if that is the case, build from our github source!)

Documentation | Support

Yash Kumar

You can now use thirdweb dashboard to deploy contracts deterministically (create2) on multiple EVM chains.

To use this feature, deploy any thirdweb prebuilt or a custom contract using thirdweb dashboard. Then navigate to the Cross chain tab on contract page as shown below:

Use the dropdown to select the chain you wish to deploy on. Then click on Deploy button.

Once the contract gets deployed (or if it's already deployed at that address), the status will change to Deployed and you can click the link as shown above to navigate to that chain's contract page.

This feature is available for all thirdweb prebuilt contracts as well as custom contracts that are deployed / published using thirdweb tools. All direct deploy contracts (i.e. not proxy) must be deployed deterministically to enable this feature.

Note: this feature is available only for EVM chains

Go ahead and deploy a contract here.

Manan Tank

All Deployed Contracts Are Now Assigned to Projects

Previously, the thirdweb dashboard only allowed you to import contracts, without the ability to associate them with specific projects. Contracts were displayed as a single list across teams, projects, and account pages.

Now, you can organize your contracts within projects for better management.

As part of this update, all your deployed contracts have been automatically added to all your projects. You can now review each project and keep only the relevant contracts by removing others from the project

Project Contracts

Easily Add Contracts to Projects

Deploy & Add to Project

When deploying a new contract, you can now add it to a project immediately.

Deploy a Contract + Add To Project

Add Any Contract to a Project

Existing contracts can be added to projects with the new "Add to Project" button on the contract details page. Here's Doodles NFT contract for example:

Effortless Contract Management

Unlike the previous "Import to Dashboard" and "Remove from Dashboard" actions, adding or removing contracts from a project no longer requires signing a message.

Published Contracts Relocated

The Published Contracts page has been removed from the Teams and Projects pages and is now accessible via your Wallet profile page. A Link to the wallet profile page is also added in the Account Management Dropdown as shown below

Here's the thirdweb.eth profile page for example


What's Changed

  • Smart Wallet transaction receipt polling can now time out based on your client "Other" timeout options, similar to normal transactions.
  • Our dashboard now supports rotating your secret keys. Rotated secret keys are now supported in this version.
  • You can now call InAppWallet or EcosystemWallet's Create function and instantly login with a twAuthTokenOverride which would be an auth token/cookie that you would have retrieved from any other thirdweb app, such as a web app, electron launcher, or any app built using our various SDKs.
var forwardedWallet = await InAppWallet.Create(
client: myClient,
authProvider: AuthProvider.Github,
twAuthTokenOverride: "my.auth.token"

Previously, it was only possible to go from .NET to other React apps using GenerateExternalLoginLink, this unlocks the other way.


.NET Release | NuGet Release | Unity Release

Documentation | Support

Jake Loo
Samina Kabir

Effective Date: February 11, 2025, at 2:00 PM PST

Since launching in 2021, over 2 million smart contracts have been deployed with our toolkit — powering billions of transactions every year. We’re making some changes to our fee structure to better support the development of our smart contract development toolkit.

Starting on the effective date, a 2.5% platform fee (applied to both native and ERC20 tokens) will be introduced for all prebuilt contracts deployed through the thirdweb dashboard after 2 pm PST on February 11, 2025.

Please note this change does not effect already deployed contracts.

Which contracts have a fee?

This change applies to any contracts that have a primary sale recipient, including but not limited to:

  • Drop Contracts: DropERC20, DropERC721, DropERC1155, OpenEdition
  • Token Contracts: TokenERC20, TokenERC721, TokenERC1155
  • Specialized Contracts: , LoyaltyCard, BurnToClaim, MarketplaceV3

How the Fee Works

  • The 2.5% fee will be automatically deducted from primary sales executed through these contracts. For example, an asset listed at 0.1 ETH will distribute 0.0975 ETH to the seller and 0.0025 ETH to the platform.
  • The fee applies only to prebuilt contracts deployed via the thirdweb dashboard. Custom contracts or externally deployed contracts remain unaffected.
  • The fee is charged from the primary sale, including a claim or mint action when there is a price on the NFT (non-zero). The fee is paid in the same currency as the claiming or minting price.

Why This Change?

This adjustment helps support continued development and maintenance of prebuilt smart contracts, ensuring reliability, security, and innovation for the ecosystem.

For any questions or further details, please reach out to our support team.


  • Which prebuilt contracts will have included fees?
    • The following contracts and corresponding modular versions will now include a seller fee:
      • Drop Contracts: DropERC20, DropERC721, DropERC1155, OpenEdition
      • Token Contracts: TokenERC20, TokenERC721, TokenERC1155
      • Specialized Contracts: LoyaltyCard, BurnToClaim, MarketplaceV3
  • I deployed a contract prior to the effective date, will these fees apply to me?
    This fee is only applied to any contracts deployed after 2 pm PST on 2/10/2025.
  • Can I opt out of the changes?
    • This change only applies to contracts deployed via the dashboard and not any contracts deployed programatically.
Prithvish Baidya

This release introduces a powerful credential management system and adds support for Circle's Web3 Services wallets. Circle, known for USDC and trusted by major financial institutions, provides institutional-grade wallets with bank-level security and SOC certifications - perfect for teams that need robust security assurance and regulatory compliance.

New Credential Management System

Managing cloud credentials across multiple wallets has always been a pain point. We've fixed that with a new credential system that brings enterprise-grade security features to your wallet infrastructure.

What's awesome about it:

  • Easy Rotation: Update credentials for multiple wallets at once by rotating their shared credential - perfect for regular security maintenance
  • Security at Scale: All wallets using the same credential automatically inherit security updates and policy changes
  • Audit Superpowers: Easily track which wallets are using which credentials for security reviews and compliance
  • Emergency Ready: Quick response to security incidents by updating credentials across all affected wallets simultaneously
Currently, the credentials system has been rolled out for Circle wallets only. Default credentials are coming soon. Don't worry - your existing wallets will continue to work exactly as they do now.

Circle Developer-Controlled Wallets

We've added support for Circle's w3s developer-controlled wallets, bringing enterprise-grade signing capabilities to Engine. These wallets integrate seamlessly with our new credential management system and existing Engine infrastructure for transaction management.

Try It Out

Upgrade to engine v2.1.32, then try creating a smart backend wallet backed by Circle:

POST /wallet-credentials
"type": "circle",
"label": "my-circle-credential",
"entitySecret": "..."

Create a Circle Wallet Credential

POST /backend-wallet/create
"type": "smart:circle",
"credentialId": "..."

Use Circle Wallet Credential to create a Circle powered Smart Backend Wallet

Learn more about the entitySecret and how to create one from the Circle docs.

Take a look at our docs to learn more about configuring Engine to support Circle wallet, and check out our API Reference for detailed documentation and more examples.

What's Next?

We're working on expanding the credential system to support more wallet types and rolling out default credentials. Stay tuned for updates!

We're working on expanding support for more institutional wallet providers. Using Fireblocks, Copper, or another institutional wallet provider? We want to hear from you! Let us know which integrations would help your team ship faster.

Got questions? Join our Discord or check out the documentation.

thirdweb Engine is an open-source server for your app to read, write, and deploy contracts at production scale. Self-host for free or get a cloud-hosted Engine for $99/month.

Jake Loo
Samina Kabir

This update brings natural language support for token swapping and bridging, expanded access to offchain knowledge, and improved session context management.

New Features

  • Added support for swapping and bridging tokens in natural language
    • Example → "Swap 1 USDC to 1 USDT on the Ethereum Mainnet" or "Bridge 0.5 ETH from Ethereum Mainnet to Polygon"
  • Added more support for offchain knowledge including research headlines and articles about tokens or protocols
    • Example → “Tell me more about $UNI project”
  • Support for updating context using the /session/{session_id} endpoint
    • Example,
"message": "Hello Nebula!",
"context": {
"session_id": "...",
"wallet_address": "0x...",
"chain_ids": ["1", "11155111"]

Nebula is currently in Alpha for a select number of developers. For access to the product, please sign up on the Nebula waitlist.

For any feedback or support inquiries, please visit our support site.

Vernon Johnson

The Insight API now supports automatic decoding of events and transactions. Developers can now receive decoded transaction data by simply adding the decode=true parameter to event and transaction endpoint calls. Insight API will load ABIs directly from it's vast database of contract metadata and return decoded events directly in the response. This significantly simplifies dealing with onchain data for developers by removing the need to 1) manage ABIs for external contracts and 2) write logic for decoding event data from any chain.



"decodedData": {
"name": "transfer",
"signature": "transfer(address,uint256)",
"inputs": {
"_to": "0x7bea8a667815b1e98e6e4badacf1772c89112cfb",
"_value": 719000000

Learn more about Insight from our docs or by reviewing the source code on GitHub.

Jake Loo
Samina Kabir

This update brings significant improvements to Nebula, including an upgraded model (t2) for a more engaging and helpful experience—now with added personality and even emojis! 🚀


  • More output personality to make Nebula more friendlier and helpful. It even outputs emojis :D
  • Improved speed performance and handling about chains (block information) or wallets on common prompts
  • Increased memory retention per session by and context holding within session
  • Improved accuracy at responding to prompts related to historical blockchain data
  • Improve speed performance when fetching wallet balance

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed wallet balances failed to fetch error due to missing sale prices

Nebula is currently in Alpha for a select number of developers. For access to the product, please sign up on the Nebula waitlist.

For any feedback or support inquiries, please visit our support site.

Amine Afia

As our customer base continues to grow, we’re enhancing our RPC Edge support process to ensure faster and more efficient assistance.

What’s Changing?

We’re introducing Support IDs to streamline issue resolution. When reporting an RPC Edge issue, you’ll receive a Support ID, which you can share with our team to expedite troubleshooting.

How This Helps You:

Faster response times – No need to repeat details, just share your Support ID.

More efficient issue tracking – Our support team can quickly locate and diagnose your request.

Improved support experience – Ensures every user gets the help they need, faster.


When reporting an issue, provide your Support ID like this:

🆔 Support ID: d4dea8aa-ad4a-4fe5-968b-24f1927f6f0b

This change ensures that every RPC-related inquiry is handled with greater speed and accuracy. 🚀


What's Changed

Added a new /query/blocks endpoint to retrieve block data with filtering, sorting, and aggregation capabilities.

What changed?

  • Created a new /query/blocks endpoint in the API
  • Implemented block data retrieval with support for:
    • Filtering by chain ID and other block parameters
    • Sorting and pagination
    • Aggregation functions
    • Group by operations
  • Updated the storage interface to return QueryResult for block operations
  • Added block scanning functionality to handle database rows

How to test?

  1. Start the API server
  2. Make GET requests to /query/blocks with optional query parameters:
    • chainId: Specify the blockchain network
    • filter: Apply filters to block data
    • sort_by: Sort results by specific fields
    • sort_order: Choose ascending or descending order
    • page and limit: Control pagination
    • aggregate: Apply aggregation functions
    • group_by: Group results by specific fields

Why make this change?
To provide a standardized way to query and analyze block data from the blockchain, enabling users to retrieve block information with flexible filtering and aggregation options. This enhancement aligns with the existing transaction and event query capabilities of the API.

Why is this useful?
As an example, this feature allows users to easily fetch the earliest block number that meets a specific timestamp criterion. For instance, when constructing block ranges based on timestamps, this can help in determining the precise blocks that fall within certain time windows. This functionality is crucial for tasks such as historical data analysis, event tracking, or aligning blockchain queries with specific real-world dates.

Learn more about Insight and how to use it.
Insight is open source.

Toomas Oosalu

Open source version of Insight 0.2.1-beta has been released and focuses on the robustness and reliability of indexing blockchain data.

Reorg handling improvements

  • Implemented dynamic block range calculations for the reorg handler, allowing both forward and backward scanning based on sync state.
  • Improved logic to find specific reorged block numbers rather than ranges, allowing to scan bigger ranges at a time.
  • Enhanced error messages for better debugging.
  • Updated reorg detection to avoid including non-reorged edge blocks
  • Implemented fetching blocks in parallel chunks for performance gains
  • Improved test coverage

API Changes

  • Added support for more time functions in aggregations. Added `toDateTime`, `toStartOfMonth`, `toStartOfHour`, and `toStartOfMinute`
  • Whitelisted concat function to be used in aggregations and parsing the contract address from raw data

Clickhouse delete optimizations

  • Improved delete performance in ClickHouse by implementing partition-aware deletes and asynchronous processing. This enhancement minimizes wait times and optimizes resource usage during deletion operations

Learn more about Insight and how to use it.
Insight is open source.

Nischit Pradhan

At thirdweb, we empower developers to build decentralized apps effortlessly—and reliable storage is core to that mission. Today, we’re announcing two key upgrades to our IPFS infrastructure: improved resilience and enhanced monitoring, designed to scale your dApps with confidence.

🛡️ Resilient Uploads,

We’ve introduced automated failover and retry mechanisms for IPFS uploads. If a primary node fails, thirdweb instantly switches to a backup, ensuring seamless data storage with minimal downtime. This redundancy safeguards your app’s content against network disruptions, keeping it consistently accessible for users.

📊 Proactive Insights

Our upgraded monitoring tools now track real-time upload success rates, latency, and node health metrics like bandwidth, storage capacity, and peer connections. Historical data analysis lets us preemptively optimize nodes, addressing issues before they impact your app.

Why This Matters

User trust hinges on reliability. With thirdweb’s fortified storage layer, you can build knowing your app withstands real-world challenges—letting you focus on innovation, not infrastructure.

Jake Loo
Samina Kabir

This release focuses on granular configurations for responses to control randomness, limitations, and formats for outputs. Additionally, two new OpenAI compatible endpoints including /chat/completions and /models, and simplified context filter endpoint for an improved developer experience.

New Features

  • Enable advanced LLM configurations to control output randomness and formatting, including temperature, presence penalty, max tokens, new response formats (JSON object, JSON schema), and nucleus sampling (top-p).
"message": "Hello Nebula!",
// ...
// advanced llm configuration
"max_tokens": 100, // integer
"frequency_penalty": 0.0, // [-2.0, 2.0]
"presence_penalty": 0.0, // [-2.0, 2.0]
"temperature": 1.0, // [0.0, 2.0]
"top_p": 1.0, // [0.0, 1.0]
"response_format": {}, //{ type: "json_object" } | { "type": "json_schema", "json_schema": { ... } }
  • New endpoint for /chat/completions compatible with OpenAI client to process chat history and generate context-aware responses.
POST "" \
--data '{
"messages": [{ "role": "user", "content": "Hello Nebula!"}],
// (optional) context management
"context": {
"session_id": "...", // optional
"wallet_address": "0x...", // optional
"chain_ids": ["1", "11155111"], // optional
// (optional) advanced llm configuration
"max_tokens": 100,
"frequency_penalty": 0.0,
"presence_penalty": 0.0,
"temperature": 1.0,
"top_p": 1.0,
"response_format": { type: "json_object" }
from openai import OpenAI
client = OpenAI(
chat_completion =
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Hello Nebula!"}],
extra_body={ "context": { "wallet_address": "0x..." }}
  • New OpenAI compatible endpoint to list out models used by Nebula
from openai import OpenAI
client = OpenAI(
models = client.models.list()
  • Simplified context_filter and execute_config into context for /chat, /execute, and /chat/completions endpoints.


"message": "Hello Nebula!",
"session_id": "...",
"context_filter": {
"wallet_addresses": [],
"chain_ids": [],
"contract_addresses": []
"execute_config": {
"type": "client",
"signer_wallet_address": "0x0000..."


"message": "Hello Nebula!",
"session_id": "...",
"context": {
"wallet_address": "0x...",
"chain_ids": ["1", "11155111"]

Nebula is currently in Alpha for a select number of developers. For access to the product, please sign up on the Nebula waitlist.

For any feedback or support inquiries, please visit our support site.


With the thirdweb SDK, all smart wallets maintain the same address across any EVM chain. Account factories and wallet deployments are managed for you from within the thirdweb SDK unless overridden with your own factory. If you need a different wallet address for any reason, you can provide an optional account salt to the wallet.

Create a smart wallet on your default chain:

import { smartWallet } from "thirdweb/wallets";
const mySmartWallet = smartWallet({
chain: sepolia,
sponsorGas: true,
We require a "default chain" when creating a smart wallet to be used in any predeploy wallet signatures and/or to work with unique chain features like zkSync's native account abstraction.

Send your transaction on any chain:

const sendTx = prepareTransaction({
to: receiver.address,
value: 100000n,
chain: baseSepolia,
const sendResult = await sendAndConfirmTransaction({
account: sender,
transaction: sendTx,

If you need to create a wallet using the same admin account but a different address, use an account salt:

const mySmartWallet = smartWallet({
chain: sepolia,
sponsorGas: true,
overrides: {
accountSalt: "123",

Check out the video for more:


.NET 2.17.0 Release

What's Changed

Nebula AI .NET Integration (Beta)

The last piece of the puzzle required to create .NET apps and games leveraging a blockchain-powered AI assistant or NPC that also has the power to fully execute transactions. Further enhanced when combined with Server Wallets and Account Abstraction.

Read, Write, Reason.
The best way to understand is to look at examples.

We'll prepare some context for the AI - here, we'll generate a basic PrivateKeyWallet and upgrade it to a SmartWallet on Sepolia.

// Prepare some context
var myChain = 11155111; // Sepolia
var mySigner = await PrivateKeyWallet.Generate(client);
var myWallet = await SmartWallet.Create(mySigner, myChain);
var myContractAddress = "0xe2cb0eb5147b42095c2FfA6F7ec953bb0bE347D8"; // DropERC1155
var usdcAddress = "0x1c7D4B196Cb0C7B01d743Fbc6116a902379C7238"; // Sepolia USDC

A one liner creates a Nebula session.

// Create a Nebula session
var nebula = await ThirdwebNebula.Create(client);

You can Chat with Nebula. The Chat method accepts any IThirdwebWallet as an optional parameter, context will automatically be updated.

// Chat, passing wallet context
var response1 = await nebula.Chat(message: "What is my wallet address?", wallet: myWallet);
Console.WriteLine($"Response 1: {response1.Message}");

You may also pass it smart contract context.

// Chat, passing contract context
var response2 = await nebula.Chat(
message: "What's the total supply of token id 0 for this contract?",
context: new NebulaContext(contractAddresses: new List<string> { myContractAddress }, chainIds: new List<BigInteger> { myChain })
Console.WriteLine($"Response 2: {response2.Message}");

You can have a full on conversation with it with our Chat override accepting multiple messages.

// Chat, passing multiple messages and context
var response3 = await nebula.Chat(
messages: new List<NebulaChatMessage>
new($"Tell me the name of this contract: {myContractAddress}", NebulaChatRole.User),
new("The name of the contract is CatDrop", NebulaChatRole.Assistant),
new("What's the symbol of this contract?", NebulaChatRole.User),
context: new NebulaContext(contractAddresses: new List<string> { myContractAddress }, chainIds: new List<BigInteger> { myChain })
Console.WriteLine($"Response 3: {response3.Message}");

Chatting is cool, but what if I just want it to do things and stop talking so much?

You can Execute transactions directly with a simple prompt.

// Execute, this directly sends transactions
var executionResult = await nebula.Execute("Approve 1 USDC to vitalik.eth", wallet: myWallet, context: new NebulaContext(contractAddresses: new List<string>() { usdcAddress }));
if (executionResult.TransactionReceipts != null && executionResult.TransactionReceipts.Count > 0)
Console.WriteLine($"Receipt: {executionResult.TransactionReceipts[0]}");
Console.WriteLine($"Message: {executionResult.Message}");

Similarly, Execute can take in multiple messages.

// Batch execute
var batchExecutionResult = await nebula.Execute(
new List<NebulaChatMessage>
new("What's the address of vitalik.eth", NebulaChatRole.User),
new("The address of vitalik.eth is 0xd8dA6BF26964aF8E437eEa5e3616511D7G3a3298", NebulaChatRole.Assistant),
new("Approve 1 USDC to them", NebulaChatRole.User),
wallet: myWallet,
context: new NebulaContext(contractAddresses: new List<string>() { usdcAddress })
if (batchExecutionResult.TransactionReceipts != null && batchExecutionResult.TransactionReceipts.Count > 0)
Console.WriteLine($"Receipts: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(batchExecutionResult.TransactionReceipts, Formatting.Indented)}");
Console.WriteLine($"Message: {batchExecutionResult.Message}");

Full Reference

Enhanced Analytics

We've added transaction and connection analytics that will show up on your thirdweb dashboard and give you a better sense of your users' activities - make sure you grab this version to get the benefits!

If you've read this far, access Nebula and start building cool things. You're early - a full stack blockchain integration powered by AI is not something you see in .NET land too often, make use of thirdweb to build next-gen applications, and reach out to us!

Unity 5.17.0 Release

What's Changed

  • Additions from Thirdweb's .NET SDK Release 2.17.0
    • Includes Thirdweb Nebula AI Integration.
    • Combine with Backend Wallets & Account Abstraction to create truly unique experiences.
  • Moved analytics to the .NET SDK (DLL), removed from ThirdwebManagerBase.
  • MetaMaskWallet.Disconnect now calls wallet_revokePermissions allowing you to fully disconnect the extension - thanks @tulfix !

You now have all the tools to be the first to build the best interactive NPCs to ever accompany your players - contact us if you run into any issues!


.NET Release | NuGet Release | Unity Release

Documentation | Support

Joaquim Verges

We just added a new section on your project overviews showing how your users are transacting from your apps!

New transaction analytics in dashboard

These stats will show all transactions initiated from the client side by day/week/month, as well as the most interacted chains and contracts with direct links.

Check out your own stats by navigating to your project overview, and make sure to use the latest version of the thirdweb SDKs.

We're continuously improving our analytics to better help you monitor the growth of your apps, let us know what you'd like to see next!

Nischit Pradhan

At Thirdweb, we’ve been hard at work implementing significant improvements to our infrastructure, and we’re thrilled to share the results of these efforts. This update represents a major leap forward in scalability, performance, and resilience, ensuring we’re better equipped to serve our users now and in the future. Here's what we’ve achieved:

⚡ Unlocking New Levels of Performance

One of the key drivers of this overhaul was the need to reduce latency and improve response times. Our engineering team has:

  • Reduced P99 Latency: We’ve slashed P99 latency from upwards of 20 seconds to just 2 seconds. This improvement means even the slowest requests now complete faster than ever.
  • Optimized Average Response Time: The average response time is now just 250ms, providing a snappier, smoother experience for our users.
  • Expanded Regional Coverage in Europe and Asia Pacific: We have introduced new regions in Europe and Asia Pacific, allowing us to provide more localized services to meet the growing demands of our global customer base. Additionally, these new regions enhance our disaster recovery capabilities, ensuring greater resiliency and reliability.

These enhancements ensure that our platform is not only faster but also more consistent under varying workloads.

📈 Enhanced Autoscaling for Seamless Scaling

To handle ever-increasing traffic demands, we’ve rolled out improved autoscaling capabilities. These dynamic systems allow us to:

  • Respond to peak load surges without sacrificing performance.
  • Maintain cost efficiency by scaling resources up or down as needed.

This ensures that no matter how much demand our platform faces, we’re ready to deliver resilient service.

🛡️ Stress-Tested for Resilience

Reliability is critical, especially as we scale. To validate our infrastructure’s ability to handle increasing demand, we conducted resilience testing at over 6,000 Requests Per Second (RPS). The system performed admirably, solidifying confidence in its ability to handle extreme loads.

Our load testing focused on the RPC router, which efficiently routed requests to over 2,000 nodes globally over a 6-hours period. The screenshots below provides a sample measurement of the aggregated P90 latency across all RPC calls in all regions.

eu-1 latency
ap-1 latency
us-west-1 latency

🌍 Regional RPC Rollout

We’re expanding our global footprint with the rollout of Regional RPC services in Asia Pacific (SEA), Europe (EU), and Americas (US). This regionalization improves latency by up to 60% for users across the globe and ensures a more localized and reliable service experience.

🔐 Updated Authentication with Team Integration

Security and collaboration are critical, and our updated authentication system now integrates seamlessly with teams. This allows:

  • Enhanced access control for better security.
  • Simplified management of team-based workflows.

This update ensures that working as a team on our platform is both secure and effortless.

🔮 Looking Ahead

These improvements mark a significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to delivering a fast, reliable, and scalable platform for our users. But we’re not stopping here. Our team is already planning the next wave of enhancements to stay ahead of the curve and continue providing the best experience possible.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. We’re excited about these changes and can’t wait for you to experience them. Let us know your thoughts and stay tuned for more updates!

Joaquim Verges

thirdweb v5.85.0 has been released with new features a breaking change for the beta nebula API as well as notable bug fixes.

Breaking Changes

Renamed Properties in Nebula Functions

The following property names have been updated in and Nebula.execute() to align with the HTTP API:

  • prompt is now message
  • context is now contextFilter

"What's the total supply of this contract: 0xe2cb0eb5147b42095c2FfA6F7ec953bb0bE347D8",
context: {
chains: [sepolia],

"What's the total supply of this contract: 0xe2cb0eb5147b42095c2FfA6F7ec953bb0bE347D8",
contextFilter: {
chains: [sepolia],

New Features

Multi-Message Support in Nebula Functions

Both and Nebula.execute() now support multiple input messages through the new messages property, enabling more complex conversation flows.

Chat Example:{
messages: [
role: "user",
"Tell me the name of this contract: 0xe2cb0eb5147b42095c2FfA6F7ec953bb0bE347D8",
role: "assistant",
content: "The name of the contract is My NFT Collection",
role: "user",
content: "What's the symbol of this contract?",
contextFilter: {
chains: [sepolia],

Execute Example:

messages: [
{ role: "user", content: "What's the address of vitalik.eth" },
role: "assistant",
"The address of vitalik.eth is 0xd8dA6BF26964aF8E437eEa5e3616511D7G3a3298",
{ role: "user", content: "Send them 0.0001 ETH" },
contextFilter: {
chains: [sepolia],

Each message in the array requires a role ("user" or "assistant") and content string.

Patch Changes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed NFT components incorrectly displaying metadata when multiple contracts with the same token ID are rendered due to caching issues
  • Fixed MarketplaceV3 deployment for Xsolla testnet

Chain Updates

  • Added mode as a predefined chain
  • Added overrides for Lumia Testnet to use pre-EIP1559 gas values
Manan Tank

New Transactions Breakdown Chart

This chart shows a breakdown of transactions sent by your Engine's backend wallets by their status. This gives you an insight into the transaction volume and success/error rate trend at a glance

Transaction History Table Updates

Pagination and Status filters added in Transaction history table. Pagination UI also has an input field that allows you quickly jump to a page - allowing you to quickly comb through a large list of transactions


We've added new chains to the platform this week!

Sei Testnet: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best Sei Testnet RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and faucet options.
Sei Network: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best Sei Network RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.
Viction Testnet: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best Viction Testnet RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.
Eclipse Testnet: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best Eclipse Testnet RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.
EVM on Flow Testnet: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best EVM on Flow Testnet RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and faucet options.
Rivalz: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best Rivalz RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.
Rivalz2: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best Rivalz2 RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.
Ouroboro: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best Ouroboro RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.

Every chain comes out of the box with SDK support RPC, Engine and Account Abstraction capabilities. All you need is the chain id to get going.

const wallet = smartWallet({
chain: defineChain(388), // just need the chainId!
sponsorGas: true,

For testnets, you'll also find a faucet in each chain page.

Happy building! 🛠️


.NET v2.16.0 Release

What's Changed

AuthProvider.SiweExternal - SIWE, OAuth style

Depending on the framework, or on the external wallet platform support, you may not have direct access to every single wallet out there.
This new AuthProvider allows you to login to otherwise native-unavailable wallets such as Abstract Wallet & Coinbase Smart Wallet through a flow similar to OAuth, using SIWE.

It'll redirect you to and use our React SDK and other wallet SDKs as needed, unlocking the ability to login (or link) with any wallet thirdweb supports on web, from runtime platforms that would otherwise be unsupported by said wallet, and create an In-App or Ecosystem Wallet out of it.

Windows Console Example:

var inAppWalletSiweExternal = await InAppWallet.Create(client: client, authProvider: AuthProvider.SiweExternal);
var address = await inAppWalletSiweExternal.LoginWithSiweExternal(
isMobile: false,
browserOpenAction: (url) =>
var psi = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = url, UseShellExecute = true };
_ = Process.Start(psi);
forceWalletIds: new List<string> { "io.metamask", "com.coinbase.wallet", "xyz.abs" }

You can now override the default session id used with Guest authentication

This is useful when you want your guest mode to be tied to a unique device identifier, and depending on your framework there may be various APIs to fetch such identifiers that you may want to use.


var guestWallet = await EcosystemWallet.Create(
ecosystemId: "ecosystem.the-bonfire",
client: client,
authProvider: AuthProvider.Guest
var address = await guestWallet.LoginWithGuest(SomeSystemInfoAPI.deviceUniqueIdentifier);

Unity 5.16.0 Release

What's Changed

  • Additions from Thirdweb's .NET SDK Release 2.16.0
  • Integrated AuthProvider.SiweExternal in ThirdwebManager.
    • Work around your favorite external wallet not having Unity support.
    • OAuth style linking variant of AuthProvider.Siwe, but using wallets and SIWE in a static React environment.
var walletOptions = new WalletOptions(
new InAppWalletOptions(authprovider: AuthProvider.SiweExternal)
var wallet = await ConnectWallet(walletOptions);
ThirdwebDebug.Log("Connected to InAppWallet with SiweExternal auth provider." + await wallet.GetAddress());
  • AuthProvider.Guest now uses a unique device identifier, making it a little more persistent than the previous implementation.
    • Guest mode is meant as an ephemereal login method, you should allow users to link additional auths later in the flow.
    • This update makes Guest mode a little more persistent in cases where users delete something by mistake.
  • Fixed edge case where Application.identifier being an empty string with some build configs would cause an empty bundle id to be used as the fallback instead of


.NET Release | NuGet Release | Unity Release

Documentation | Support

Jake Loo
Samina Kabir

New Features

  • Nebula TypeScript SDK now available in Beta, integrate /chat and /execute calls easily or be able to plug into any framework
  • New example template on how to create specialized AI agents that can interact with blockchain data while maintaining a distinct personality and purpose


  • Read and write contracts with better function argument extraction
    • Improved understanding and parsing for array function arguments related to reading or executing contract functions

Bug Fixes

  • ENS resolver not parsing correctly in select cases
  • Query wallet balance improvements handling wallet addresses with multiple tokens or NFTs
  • Add improved read support for chains with block extraData including Polygon
Joaquim Verges

The thirdweb TypeScipt SDK v5.84.0 release adds support for Nebula, our new AI model designed interact with real time blockchain data and execute transactions with natural language.


Simply install the thirdweb package on your frontend or backend to get started.

npm install thirdweb

Natural Language Blockchain Queries

Nebula enables developers to query real-time blockchain data using simple natural language prompts. From checking contract symbols to analyzing on-chain metrics, Nebula provides human-readable responses to your blockchain queries.

import { Nebula } from "thirdweb/ai";
const response = await{
"What's the symbol of this contract: 0xe2cb0eb5147b42095c2FfA6F7ec953bb0bE347D8",
context: {
chains: [sepolia],
console.log("chat response:", response.message);

AI-Powered Transaction Execution

Nebula goes beyond just querying data - it can now execute blockchain transactions based on natural language instructions. Simply connect your wallet and describe the transaction you want to perform.

import { Nebula } from "thirdweb/ai";
const wallet = createWallet("io.metamask");
const account = await wallet.connect({ client });
const result = await Nebula.execute({
prompt: "send 0.0001 ETH to vitalik.eth",
context: {
chains: [sepolia],
console.log("executed transaction:", result.transactionHash);

Key Features

  • Natural language processing for blockchain queries
  • Real-time data access across 2000+ chains
  • Transaction execution through simple prompts
  • Works with 300+ wallet providers, in-app wallets, smart wallets and engine
  • Context-aware responses and actions with multi step sessions

This addition to the SDK marks a significant step forward in making blockchain technology more accessible and user-friendly. Nebula's natural language capabilities greatly reduce the complexity of doing complex actions on the blockchain.

For detailed documentation and examples, please visit our documentation portal or join our Discord community for support and discussions.

Happy Building! 🛠️

Joaquim Verges

Backend Engine Account Support

The thirdweb TypeScript sdk v5.84.0 introduces the new engineAccount() function, enabling seamless backend integration with your thirdweb Engine instance. This addition allows developers to leverage the full power of the thirdweb SDK and contract extensions functions in backend environments while benefiting from Engine's performance, reliability, and monitoring capabilities.

Key Features

  • Create Engine-powered accounts for backend transaction handling with nonce and fund management
  • Full access to thirdweb SDK functions and extensions from the backend
  • Built-in transaction monitoring and reliability features

Usage Example

// Initialize engine account with your instance credentials
const engine = engineAccount({
engineUrl: process.env.ENGINE_URL,
authToken: process.env.ENGINE_AUTH_TOKEN,
walletAddress: process.env.ENGINE_WALLET_ADDRESS,
// Prepare transactions like usual
const tx = await claimTo({
contract: getContract({ client, chain, address: "0x..." }),
to: "0x...",
tokenId: 0n,
quantity: 1n,
// Send transaction through engine
const result = await sendTransaction({
account: engine,
transaction: tx,
// Transaction hash is returned once engine submits it onchain

This update helps backend development workflows by opening up the large catalog of extensions functions available in the SDK. The engineAccount() function serves as a bridge between your backend services and the blockchain, handling transaction preparation, submission, and confirmation in a reliable manner.

For more information about this release, please visit our documentation or join our Discord community for support and discussions.

TypeScript Auto Connect

The SDK now exposes the autoConnect function for use outside of React environments. This allows developers to implement wallet auto-connection functionality in any JavaScript/TypeScript environment.

Usage Example

import { autoConnect } from "thirdweb/wallets";
const autoConnected = await autoConnect({
onConnect: (wallet) => {
console.log("wallet", wallet);
console.log("isAutoConnected", isAutoConnected); // true or false

For more information about this release, please visit our documentation or join our Discord community for support and discussions.

Happy building! 🛠️

Prithvish Baidya

We're excited to introduce powerful new batching capabilities in Engine v2.1.25, enabling you to execute multiple operations atomically and efficiently read from multiple contracts in a single call.

New Features

1. Atomic Transaction Batching

New Endpoint: /backend-wallet/{chainId}/send-transaction-batch-atomic

Send multiple transactions that will be executed together in a single atomic operation. Perfect for operations that need to happen in a specific order, like token approvals followed by transfers. Check out the API Reference for more details.

Key Benefits:

  • Guaranteed order of execution
  • All transactions succeed or fail together
  • Single queue ID for tracking the entire batch
  • Compatible with all smart account setups:
    • Smart backend wallets (no additional headers needed)
    • Regular backend wallets using x-smart-account-address header

Usage Example:

curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:3005/backend-wallet/84532/send-transaction-batch-atomic \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{authToken}}' \
--header 'x-backend-wallet-address: {{walletAddress}}' \
--data '{
"transactions": [
"toAddress": "0x...",
"value": "0",
"data": "0x..." // First transaction (e.g., approval)
"toAddress": "0x...",
"value": "0",
"data": "0x..." // Second transaction (e.g., transfer)

Example cURL for Atomic Batching

Difference from Previous Write Endpoint:

  • Previous: Each transaction got its own queue ID, executed independently
  • New: Single queue ID for entire batch, guaranteed atomic execution

2. Contract Read Batching

New Endpoint: /contract/{chainId}/read-batch

Execute multiple read operations across different contracts in a single call, with guaranteed consistency of data from the same block. Check out the API Reference for more details.

Key Benefits:

  • All reads executed in the same block
  • Reduced RPC calls using multicall3
  • Perfect for getting related data across contracts
  • Consistent state snapshot across all reads

Usage Example:

curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:3005/contract/421614/read-batch \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{authToken}}' \
--data '{
"calls": [
"contractAddress": "0x...",
"functionName": "balanceOf"
"contractAddress": "0x...",
"functionName": "allowance"

Example cURL for Batch Reads

Transaction Status Updates

The transaction status object now includes a batchOperations field that provides details about all operations in an atomic batch. This field will be null for non-batch transactions:

batchOperations: [
to: string | null,
data: string | null,
value: string,
] | null;

batchOperations field in Transaction Status Object

thirdweb Engine is an open-source server for your app to read, write, and deploy contracts at production scale. Self-host for free or get a cloud-hosted Engine for $99/month.

Manan Tank

Contract Analytics on thirdweb dashboard is now powered by thirdweb Insight

You can select a date range and see various analytics for the contract such as

  • Unique wallets that have sent transactions
  • Total Transactions & Events
  • Breakdown of unique Functions calls & emitted Events

View this contract analytics on dashboard

What is insight?

Insight is a powerful tool that lets you retrieve blockchain data from any EVM chain, enrich it with metadata, and transform it using custom logic.

Whether you're building a gaming inventory system, tracking DeFi metrics, or analyzing NFT collections, Insight makes it easy to get the data you need with simple API calls. Learn more about thirdweb insight to use in your projects!


We’re excited to announce a major update to Insight API! The latest changes enhance the API’s functionality by introducing multichain support, enabling seamless data fetching across multiple blockchain networks.

What's New?

Multichain Queries Across All Endpoints

  • Parallel Data Fetching: Fetch data from multiple chains simultaneously, improving efficiency.
  • Consolidated Responses: Responses now include chain_ids in the payload to identify the source chain for each piece of data.
  • Enhanced Response Schema: Added metadata fields:
    • chain_ids: List of queried chain IDs.
    • total_items: Total count across all chains.
    • limit_per_chain: Indicates the per-chain limit derived from the request's original limit.

Chain IDs Validation

Only requests with supported chain IDs—validated against Thirdweb Insight’s chain list—are now processed. This ensures consistent and accurate responses.

Updated Endpoints

The following endpoints now support multichain queries:

  • /tokens/erc20: Consolidates token balances across chains
  • /events: Returns events from specified chains, preserving chain identification.
  • /transactions: Provides transactions with proper error handling for invalid chain IDs.
  • /query: Delivers raw query results with metadata for chain information.

Backward Compatibility

Existing single-chain requests remain fully supported, ensuring no disruptions for current users.

Example Requests

Single-Chain Request

curl -X GET "{clientId}/events/0x6e55472109e6abe4054a8e8b8d9edffcb31032c5/Transfer(address,address,uint256)?limit=100&chain=660279"

Multichain Request

curl -X GET "{clientId}/events/0x6e55472109e6abe4054a8e8b8d9edffcb31032c5/Transfer(address,address,uint256)?limit=100&chain=1&chain=660279"

Response Example

"meta": {
"chain_ids": [1, 660279],
"total_items": 113,
"limit_per_chain": 100,
"...": "..."
"data": [
"chainId": 1,
"...": "..."
"chainId": 660279,
"...": "..."

Looking Ahead

This update lays the groundwork for future improvements on multichain queries via Insight API. As we continue to expand, our goal is to make working with multichain data as seamless and efficient as possible.

Start leveraging these improvements today to explore multichain insights more effectively!

Toomas Oosalu

We're excited to announce that thirdweb Insight has expanded its blockchain data querying capabilities with support for 43 chains, including these 15 new chains:

What This Means For Developers
With these additions, you can now use all of Insight's powerful features across these new chains:

  • Query on-chain events with the Events Blueprint
  • Track transactions with the Transactions Blueprint
  • Monitor token balances (ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-1155) with the Tokens Blueprint

For example, to query latest events on Optimism

const getLatestOptimismEvents = async () => {
try {
const response = await fetch(
headers: {
"x-client-id": <your-client-id>,
const latestEvents = await response.json();
return latestEvents;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);

Replace <client-id> with your thirdweb client ID

View All Supported Chains
For a complete list of supported chains and their respective chain IDs, check the thirdweb chainlist.

Jake Loo

We’re excited to share the latest updates to Nebula, bringing powerful new features, enhancements, and bug fixes to improve your development experience. This release focuses on expanding Nebula’s capabilities, making it even easier to deploy contracts, retrieve information, and interact seamlessly with the platform.


  • Contract deployment support: Deploy thirdweb ERC-20 (Token), ERC-721 (NFT Collection), ERC-1155 (Edition), and Split contracts using Nebula via the chat interface or the API.
      • Prompt Nebula to prepare and execute contract deployments in natural language — example, “Deploy an ERC-20 contract named “Hello World” with description “Hello world token deployed with an AI” and symbol “HELLO”
      • More published contracts will be supported in upcoming releases. If you would like for your published contract to be enabled on Nebula, please contact us.
  • Multi-message API: Enable multi-message on the /chat and /execute endpoints to allow multi-shot prompts that can be helpful to maintain and clarify context, and refine responses. The /chat and /execute endpoints accept:
    • message: string or
    • messages: [{ role: "user" | "assistant", content: string }]
  • Comprehensive support for developers: Expanded resources and guidance to help developers effectively build web3 apps and games using thirdweb's extensive tooling and documentation.
      • "How do i transfer erc20 tokens in .NET?”
      • "How do i setup a session key in unity?”
  • Build using Nebula and Eliza, a simple and lightweight framework for creating autonomous AI agents.

Nebula is currently in Alpha for a select number of developers. For access to the product, please sign up on the Nebula waitlist.

For any feedback or support inquiries, please visit our support site.


What's Changed

  • Additions from Thirdweb's .NET SDK Release 2.14.0
  • Additions from Thirdweb's .NET SDK Release 2.15.0
  • Added AuthProvider.Backend's related walletSecret to In-App and Ecosystem Wallets' options. You can now create server side wallets!
  • Split ThirdwebManager into ThirdwebManagerBase, ThirdwebManager (frontend), ThirdwebManagerServer (backend)
    • Adds ThirdwebManagerServer prefab, uses SecretKey instead of ClientId and BundleId.
    • Adds a lot of flexibility and extendability for various use cases.
var serverWalletOptions= new WalletOptions(
provider: WalletProvider.InAppWallet,
chainId: 421614,
inAppWalletOptions: new InAppWalletOptions(authprovider: AuthProvider.Backend, walletSecret: "my-epic-secret")
var myAiWallet = await ThirdwebManagerServer.Instance.ConnectWallet(serverWalletOptions);

It's time to make blockchain-powered AI allies and opponents that leverage backend wallets and perhaps even Nebula.


.NET Releases | NuGet Release | Unity Release

Support | Docs

Prithvish Baidya

Engine v2.1.24 introduces sponsored transaction support for regular backend wallets, enabled on zkSync chains leveraging native account abstraction.

What's New?

Sponsored Transaction Mode

Added x-transaction-mode: sponsored header that enables sponsored transactions for regular backend wallets. This brings key benefits:

  • No need to hold or manage gas tokens
  • All gas costs are handled by thirdweb's paymaster
  • Receive consolidated gas usage bills from thirdweb
  • Compatible with local, AWS KMS, and GCP KMS wallets

Technical Details

To send sponsored transactions:

// Add this header with your regular backend wallet
x-transaction-mode: sponsored
x-backend-wallet-address: 0x...

HTTP Headers

The header:

  • Works with regular backend wallets on supported chains
  • Is ignored when used with Smart Backend Wallets (their transactions are already sponsored)
  • Returns an error if used on currently unsupported chains

Getting Started

  1. Update to Engine v2.1.24
  2. Add the x-transaction-mode: sponsored header
  3. Send transactions normally through your regular backend wallet
Why Regular Wallets with Sponsored Mode?

Smart Backend Wallets handle sponsored transactions by deploying a separate smart account for your wallet. On zkSync, wallets can act as their own smart accounts - meaning your regular wallet address can send sponsored transactions directly without needing a separate smart account address.

Contact for any questions about implementing native AA support in your application.

thirdweb Engine is an open-source server for your app to read, write, and deploy contracts at production scale. Self-host for free or get a cloud-hosted Engine for $99/month.


.NET Updates

  • Added DropER721_Burn, DropERC1155_BurnBatch, TokenERC721_Burn, TokenERC1155_Burn, TokenERC1155_BurnBatch contract extensions.
  • Overriding default RPCs is now allowed through a new ThirdwebClient creation parameter rpcOverrides.
var client = ThirdwebClient.Create(
clientId: "myepicclientid",
bundleId: "", // for native apps
rpcOverrides: new()
{ 1, "" },
{ 42161, "" }
  • Removed some leftover unnecessary logging.

Integration in Unity & WalletConnect Updates

  • Additions from Thirdweb's .NET SDK Release 2.13.0
  • Exposed the ability to override RPC per chain ID in the ThirdwebManager.
  • Exposed the ability to force specific wallet ids into your WalletConnect modal in the ThirdwebManager.
  • Added hover tooltips for all ThirdwebManager options.

Autoconnect Feature

Flag under ThirdwebManager > Preferences.

If enabled, Thirdweb will automatically connect to the last connected wallet on initialization (this behavior does not apply to the WalletConnectWallet provider option).

If a wallet was connected as a non smart wallet, then later upgraded, the smart wallet is saved as the last wallet, and the next session will autoconnect to the smart wallet.

Any failure during this entire flow should not throw.



.NET Release | NuGet Release | Unity Releases

Support | Documentation

Winston Yeo

We are thrilled to announce support for backend wallets! This enhancement empowers developers to programmatically access wallets through their backend systems without needing to manage private keys directly. It simplifies wallet management while maintaining security and flexibility for various use cases.

Why Backend Wallets Matter

Traditionally, managing wallets in decentralized applications often required dealing with private keys or relying on client-side solutions. However, there are scenarios where programmatic access to wallets on the backend is essential, such as:

  • Server-side automation: Automating blockchain interactions for services like token minting, payments, or data signing.
  • Enhanced security: Keeping private keys off the client side while enabling wallet operations.
  • Custom integrations: Integrating wallets seamlessly with backend APIs for complex workflows.

With backend wallet support, developers can now securely and conveniently access wallets from their backend infrastructure.

How It Works

The new feature allows you to create a wallet instance on the backend using the backend, here's how it's done with the typescript SDK:

import { inAppWallet } from "thirdweb/wallets";
const wallet = inAppWallet();
const account = await wallet.connect({
strategy: "backend",
client: createThirdwebClient({
secretKey: "...", // Your backend client secret key
walletSecret: "...", // Your unique wallet secret. Each secret corresponds to a single wallet
console.log("account.address", account.address);

Get Started Today

Ready to explore backend wallet support? Try it out on all version of the thirdweb SDK from 5.83.0 onwards.


Features 🚀

EIP-7702 Authorization Lists (Beta)

We've added beta support for EIP-7702 authorization lists. You can now construct and send 7702 authorizations with the following functions:

import {
} from "thirdweb";
const authorization = await signAuthorization({
request: {
address: "0x...",
chainId: 911867,
nonce: 100n,
account: myAccount,
// Preparing a transaction with authorization
const transaction = prepareTransaction({
chain: chain,
client: client,
value: 100n,
to: recipient,
authorizationList: [authorization],
// Sending the authorization transaction
const result = await sendTransaction({

Manual Smart Account Deployment

Added deploySmartAccount function to explicitly deploy smart account contracts.

import { deploySmartAccount } from "thirdweb";
const account = await deploySmartAccount({

Improvements 🔧

Smart Account Signatures

Deployed smart accounts now use the legacy signature behavior (ERC-1271) rather than ERC-6492 pre-deploy signatures.


Features 🚀

Retrieve In-App Wallet Smart Wallet Admin Account

We've added the getAdminAccount method to inAppWallet interfaces when using Account Abstraction (AA), including gasless ecosystem wallets. This addition allows developers to retrieve the admin account for AA-compatible in-app wallets.

// Initialize the in-app wallet with sponsored gas enabled
const wallet = inAppWallet({
smartAccount: {
chain: sepolia,
sponsorGas: true,
// Connect to the wallet using a specific client and strategy
const account = await wallet.connect({
client, // Your defined client instance
strategy: "google", // Specify your authentication strategy
// Retrieve the admin account
const adminAccount = await wallet.getAdminAccount();
// Log the admin account address
console.log("Admin Account Address:", adminAccount.address);

Improvements 🔧

Enhanced Modal Control

We've added a new onClose callback option to Connect Details modal, providing developers with greater control over modal behavior and user interactions. The callback receives the last active screen name when the user closes the modal, enabling better UX flows and analytics.

onClose: (screen: string) => {
console.log(`Modal closed while on screen: ${screen}`);
// Handle post-close logic here

Auto-Connect onTimeout Callback

We've also added an onTimeout callback in useAutoConnect hook to handle connection timeout scenarios gracefully. Timeouts can happen if the user has previously connected a wallet, but we're unable to reconnect to that wallet.

onTimeout={() => {
console.log("Auto connection timed out");

Bug Fixes 🐛

Smart Account Transactions

We fixed an issue where smart accounts could not execute transactions on chains besides the one they were initially created on. AA transactions on chains besides the initial one now deploy the smart account on the new chain before executing the transaction

// Configure the smart wallet
const wallet = smartWallet({
chain: sepolia,
sponsorGas: true,
// Connect the smart wallet
const smartAccount = await wallet.connect({
// Prepare a transaction on another chain
const transaction = prepareTransaction({
value: 10000n,
to: "0x..."
chain: baseSepolia,
// This will deploy the smart account on Base Sepolia
const result = await sendTransaction({
account: smartAccount,

Removals and Deprecations 🗑️

Wallet Support Changes

We've removed co.lobstr from the available wallets list as it is not EVM-compatible



Adds the ability to Unlink a LinkedAccount from your In-App or Ecosystem Wallet.

List<LinkedAccount> linkedAccounts = await inAppWallet.GetLinkedAccounts();
List<LinkedAccount> linkedAccountsAfterUnlinking = await inAppWallet.UnlinkAccount(linkedAccounts[0]);

EIP-7702 Integration (Experimental)

Integrates authorizationList for any transactions.
This EIP essentially allows you to set code to an EOA, unlocking a world of possibilities to enhance their functionality.

The best way to understand it outside of reading the EIP is looking at the example below; to preface it: we sign an authorization using the wallet we want to set code to. Another wallet sends a transaction with said authorization passed in, essentially activating it. The authority wallet now has code set to it pointing to an (insecure) Delegation contract in this case, which allows any wallet to execute any call through it on behalf of the authority. In this example, we call the wallet executing both the authorization and the claim transaction afterwards, the exectuor.

An authority may execute its own authorization, the only difference is internal whereby the authorization nonce is incremented by 1.

// Chain and contract addresses
var chainWith7702 = 911867;
var erc20ContractAddress = "0xAA462a5BE0fc5214507FDB4fB2474a7d5c69065b"; // Fake ERC20
var delegationContractAddress = "0x654F42b74885EE6803F403f077bc0409f1066c58"; // BatchCallDelegation
// Initialize contracts normally
var erc20Contract = await ThirdwebContract.Create(client: client, address: erc20ContractAddress, chain: chainWith7702);
var delegationContract = await ThirdwebContract.Create(client: client, address: delegationContractAddress, chain: chainWith7702);
// Initialize a (to-be) 7702 EOA
var eoaWallet = await PrivateKeyWallet.Generate(client);
var eoaWalletAddress = await eoaWallet.GetAddress();
Console.WriteLine($"EOA address: {eoaWalletAddress}");
// Initialize another wallet, the "executor" that will hit the eoa's (to-be) execute function
var executorWallet = await PrivateKeyWallet.Generate(client);
var executorWalletAddress = await executorWallet.GetAddress();
Console.WriteLine($"Executor address: {executorWalletAddress}");
// Fund the executor wallet
var fundingWallet = await PrivateKeyWallet.Create(client, privateKey);
var fundingHash = (await fundingWallet.Transfer(chainWith7702, executorWalletAddress, BigInteger.Parse("0.001".ToWei()))).TransactionHash;
Console.WriteLine($"Funded Executor Wallet: {fundingHash}");
// Sign the authorization to make it point to the delegation contract
var authorization = await eoaWallet.SignAuthorization(chainId: chainWith7702, contractAddress: delegationContractAddress, willSelfExecute: false);
Console.WriteLine($"Authorization: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(authorization, Formatting.Indented)}");
// Execute the delegation
var tx = await ThirdwebTransaction.Create(executorWallet, new ThirdwebTransactionInput(chainId: chainWith7702, to: executorWalletAddress, authorization: authorization));
var hash = (await ThirdwebTransaction.SendAndWaitForTransactionReceipt(tx)).TransactionHash;
Console.WriteLine($"Authorization execution transaction hash: {hash}");
// Prove that code has been deployed to the eoa
var rpc = ThirdwebRPC.GetRpcInstance(client, chainWith7702);
var code = await rpc.SendRequestAsync<string>("eth_getCode", eoaWalletAddress, "latest");
Console.WriteLine($"EOA code: {code}");
// Log erc20 balance of executor before the claim
var executorBalanceBefore = await erc20Contract.ERC20_BalanceOf(executorWalletAddress);
Console.WriteLine($"Executor balance before: {executorBalanceBefore}");
// Prepare the claim call
var claimCallData = erc20Contract.CreateCallData(
new object[]
executorWalletAddress, // receiver
100, // quantity
Constants.NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS, // currency
0, // pricePerToken
new object[] { Array.Empty<byte>(), BigInteger.Zero, BigInteger.Zero, Constants.ADDRESS_ZERO }, // allowlistProof
Array.Empty<byte>() // data
// Embed the claim call in the execute call
var executeCallData = delegationContract.CreateCallData(
method: "execute",
parameters: new object[]
new List<Thirdweb.Console.Call>
Data = claimCallData.HexToBytes(),
To = erc20ContractAddress,
Value = BigInteger.Zero
// Execute from the executor wallet targeting the eoa which is pointing to the delegation contract
var tx2 = await ThirdwebTransaction.Create(executorWallet, new ThirdwebTransactionInput(chainId: chainWith7702, to: eoaWalletAddress, data: executeCallData));
var hash2 = (await ThirdwebTransaction.SendAndWaitForTransactionReceipt(tx2)).TransactionHash;
Console.WriteLine($"Token claim transaction hash: {hash2}");
// Log erc20 balance of executor after the claim
var executorBalanceAfter = await erc20Contract.ERC20_BalanceOf(executorWalletAddress);
Console.WriteLine($"Executor balance after: {executorBalanceAfter}");

Note that for the time being this only works on 7702-enabled chains such as Odyssey and the feature has only been integrated with PrivateKeyWallet.


Adds the ability to retrieve auth provider specific user information from In-App and Ecosystem Wallets.

Other additions

  • SwitchNetwork is now part of the main IThirdwebWallet interface. Smart Wallets now attempt to switch the underlying admin network automatically as well.
  • ERC721_TotalSupply extension now includes burned NFTs when using thirdweb contracts, allowing for ERC721_GetAll and ERC721_GetOwned functions to return said NFTs as well.
  • Various new utilities for conversions and transaction decoding, including decoding authorizationList.

Full Changelog:


.NET Release | NuGet Release | Unity Release

Docs | Support

Winston Yeo

Christmas is around the corner and thirdweb wallets have some gifts for you!


If you're using the React UI components, you should now see the options to remove accounts that you might have linked by accident.

React UI with option to unlink account

For users on typescript, this is also available as a function

const wallet = inAppWallet();
wallet.connect({ strategy: "google" });
const profiles = await getProfiles({
const updatedProfiles = await unlinkProfile({
profileToUnlink: profiles[1], // assuming there is more than 1 profile linked to the user.

This give you more flexibility to manage users account and privacy!

Custom session expiration

Some of you have been asking for custom session tokens beyond the standard 7 days we have today and we hear you.

Starting today, you will be able to set customer session expiration if you're on custom auth endpoints on JWK.

Simply return a field exp corresponding to the Unix timestamp in seconds that you want to session token to expire.

Custom authentication endpoints

"userId": "..."
// after
"userId": "..."
"exp": 1735032658

Custom JWK

Sign an exp field in the JWT payload that is signed by your server.

Wrapping up

All these features are available today fromthirdweb@5.78.0 onwards. We have more things planned and look forward to seeing you again with more updates when the new year rolls around!

Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

Phillip Ho

We've made Engine even more reliable in v2.1.20. Here's a sample of nonce management improvements we made:

Improved handling of stuck transactions

Transactions can be stuck in mempool for multiple reasons (usually chain-specific). We made improvements to more aggressively retry transactions through including:

  • Retries with increasing gas (up to 10x gas).
  • Retries after a fixed amount of time, even if the RPC blocks are delayed.
  • Configuration to limit the max gas to spend on resends to stay within chain limits.
  • Configuration to limit how long to retry a transaction for.

Automatic nonce reset when out of funds

Engine resets the nonce when a wallet runs out of funds to ensure that after the wallet is funded, transactions are sent with correct nonces.

Retry failed transactions, even userOps

The Retry Failed Transactions now allows retrying any failed transactions including user operations.

Want to force a specific transaction to retry with the same nonce? Use the Retry Transaction (Synchronous) endpoint.

Advanced usage to manage wallet nonces

Most users should rely on Engine to manage and correct wallet nonces. If you want more direct control, the following endpoints allow you to directly manage Engine's wallet nonces. These endpoints are safe to run and intended to "fix" wallets that are stuck. Be warned they may cancel any pending transactions with those nonces.

Reset nonce state for one or all wallets

The Reset Nonces endpoint was updated to optionally allow resetting the nonce state for a single wallet (by default it resets all wallets).

Cancel nonces

A new Cancel Nonces endpoint allows you to send null transactions with high gas to effectively "cancel" pending transactions using those nonces.

thirdweb is hiring!

The small team at thirdweb is on a mission to build the most intuitive and complete web3 platform. Our products empower over 70,000 developers each month including Shopify, AWS, Coinbase, Rarible, Animoca Brands, and InfiniGods.

See our open roles. We’d love to work with you!

Joaquim Verges

We just released a new package that allows you to use thirdweb's in-app and smart wallets within you wagmi app with minimal effort. Few lines of code to add web2 sign in like google, discord, passkey, etc along with ERC-4337 smart accounts that unlock gasless transactions, batched transactions and session keys.

Install the new package

First, install the thirdweb and @thirdweb-dev/wagmi-adapter packages in your wagmi app.

npm install thirdweb @thirdweb-dev/wagmi-adapter

Make sure you're running wagmi 2.14.1 or above.

Setup the connector

You probably already have a wagmi config with some connectors, simply add the inAppWalletConnector to the list, along with the desired options.

import { http, createConfig } from "wagmi";
import { inAppWalletConnector } from "@thirdweb-dev/wagmi-adapter";
import {
defineChain as thirdwebChain,
} from "thirdweb";
const client = createThirdwebClient({
clientId: "your-client-id",
export const config = createConfig({
chains: [sepolia],
connectors: [
// add the in-app wallet connector
// optional: turn on smart accounts!
smartAccounts: {
sponsorGas: true,
chain: thirdwebChain(sepolia),
transports: {
[]: http(),

Connect users

Now you can connect users with the desired auth strategy. Options include email, phone, passkey, google, discord, x, telegram, github, and more.

const { connect, connectors } = useConnect();
const onClick = () => {
// grab the connector
const inAppWallet = connectors.find(
(x) => === "in-app-wallet",
// call connect with the desired strategy
connector: inAppWallet,
strategy: "google",

And that's it! The example above connects your users with their google account, creates an ERC4337 smart account with sponsored transactions that you can use with the rest of your wagmi app.

Happy building! 🛠️


We previously added unified identities to the thirdweb SDK, allowing users to link multiple profiles as valid authentication options within your app. However, you couldn't tell which provider they had signed in with for the current session. In thirdweb v5.77.0, we've added the getLastAuthProvider utility to the React module, allowing you to retrieve the most recently used provider from within any web context.

import { getLastAuthProvider } from "thirdweb/react";
getLastAuthProvider(); // "google"

Other Improvements

Yash Kumar

Users can now publish their contracts with contract references in deploy params.

What this means is, if there are address params in your contract's constructor, you can provide a reference to another published contract for those params. These reference contracts will then be deterministically deployed before deploying your contract.

You can specify these references in publish form as shown below:

For e.g., _owner param is of type address and allows publisher to specify a contract reference. You can do this by selecting Dynamic Input and providing details of the published contract. Please note that the contract being set as reference should be a published contract with default values pre-filled.

You can also setup a chain of such references, i.e. a referenced contract has another reference contract in its deploy params, and so on.

In addition to the address type, you can also provide dynamic inputs for bytes params. For e.g., if the bytes param is composed of address, uint256, and bool, you can specify these values instead of giving an encoded bytes value. These will be encoded during deployment. The address param within this bytes param can again be a dynamic reference. See below:

This feature works for address[] and bytes[] params too.

Phillip Ho

Engine is used by web2 and web3 companies for production use, powering 10M+ transactions per week. Making sure your Engine is secure and your funds are safe are critical, so here's security improvements we made (v2.1.20) and what's coming up.

Security audit

We've completed our second code and infrastructure assessment from an independent third party auditor and will be sharing the report shortly.

No critical vulnerabilities were identified, and all reported issues were addressed.

Security updates

  • Improved CORS response handling. Clearer logs + responses if calls are made from invalid origins.
  • Added modern browser security headers to restrict unused permissions (embedding, geolocation, camera, etc.).
  • Updated dependencies to address publicly reported vulnerabilities.

Other notable updates

  • singlePhaseDrop added to all claim-to endpoints allowing users to set claim conditions and claim tokens in a single phase for custom drop contracts.
  • gasPrice can now be overridden allowing users to explicitly set the gas price for pre-EIP1559 chains.
    • Post-EIP1559 chains should continue to use maxFeePerGas and maxPriorityFeePerGas overrides, if needed.
// ...write request body
txOverrides: {
"gasPrice": "50000000000" // pre-EIP1559
// "maxFeePerGas": "50000000000" // post-EIP1559
  • All /mint-to endpoints were updated to thirdweb v5 SDK and should have greatly improved response times.
  • Idempotency keys up to 200 characters are now supported.
  • The codebase is updated with better organization and code standards, and we're enforcing linting rules moving forward.

thirdweb is hiring!

The small team at thirdweb is on a mission to build the most intuitive and complete web3 platform. Our products empower over 70,000 developers each month including Shopify, AWS, Coinbase, Rarible, Animoca Brands, and InfiniGods.

See our open roles. We’d love to work with you!

Toomas Oosalu

A new version of Insight is released, focusing on bringing decoded data to the API and bug fixes to the indexing logic.


Decoding for events and transactions in the API

Implemented functionality to decode event logs (supporting both indexed and non-indexed parameters) and transaction inputs whenever a query is made with. partial ABI.

For example, let's say we want to query all allocated withdrawal function calls on the TheCompact contract (0x00000000000018DF021Ff2467dF97ff846E09f48).

The partial ABI of the function is ((bytes,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,address)), however the Insight API allows for named arguments, so we can use allocatedWithdrawal((bytes allocatorSignature,uint256 nonce,uint256 expires,uint256 id,uint256 amount,address recipient) _withdrawal)

We can do the following query to insight

curl ',uint256 nonce,uint256 expires,uint256 id,uint256 amount,address recipient) _withdrawal)'

and receive a response

"meta": {
"chain_id": 1,
"address": "0x00000000000018DF021Ff2467dF97ff846E09f48",
"signature": "0x27c777a9",
"page": 0,
"limit": 5,
"total_items": 1,
"total_pages": 0
"data": [
"chain_id": 1,
"hash": "0x8cd2145f99f11885c4136330ad1bb77555504f58bede20fc1f32f1ba12adcb53",
"nonce": 832,
"block_hash": "0xe6053a9f4e9ee63b37f174ece3938a46e1dd782dfefc55316e770134bfc59d60",
"block_number": 21131927,
"block_timestamp": 1730936111,
"transaction_index": 117,
"from_address": "0x0734d56da60852a03e2aafae8a36ffd8c12b32f1",
"to_address": "0x00000000000018df021ff2467df97ff846e09f48",
"value": 0,
"gas": 67401,
"gas_price": 15172764689,
"data": "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",
"function_selector": "0x27c777a9",
"max_fee_per_gas": 28932060124,
"max_priority_fee_per_gas": 187296056,
"transaction_type": 2,
"r": 56974697277111379906610442563886472860956697825679089697101225017574199230150,
"s": 41080792507018916056596496103695262958288003493025956403880548103799170703734,
"v": 1,
"access_list_json": "[]",
"contract_address": null,
"gas_used": null,
"cumulative_gas_used": null,
"effective_gas_price": null,
"blob_gas_used": null,
"blob_gas_price": null,
"logs_bloom": null,
"status": null,
"decodedData": {
"name": "allocatedWithdrawal",
"signature": "allocatedWithdrawal((bytes,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,address))",
"inputs": {
"_withdrawal": {
"allocatorSignature": "",
"nonce": 123,
"expires": 1730940000,
"id": 21786436819914608908212656341824591317420268878283544900672692017070052737024,
"amount": 1000000000000000,
"recipient": "0x0734d56da60852a03e2aafae8a36ffd8c12b32f1"

The interesting part is the decodedData property, which contains the decoded function input arguments

"decodedData": {
"name": "allocatedWithdrawal",
"signature": "allocatedWithdrawal((bytes,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,address))",
"inputs": {
"_withdrawal": {
"allocatorSignature": "",
"nonce": 123,
"expires": 1730940000,
"id": 21786436819914608908212656341824591317420268878283544900672692017070052737024,
"amount": 1000000000000000,
"recipient": "0x0734d56da60852a03e2aafae8a36ffd8c12b32f1"

Bug fixes

  • Poller gap filling uses configured poll range - Introduced a limit on polling missing blocks, based on `blocksPerPoll` configuration instead of the whole missing range.
  • Fixed signature calculation for partial ABI - Fixed a bug where various uint types in the partial ABI resulted in an incorrect signature
  • Fixed nullpointer exception when checking if polling limit is reached
  • Clickhouse delete performance - Updated to use lightweight deletes instead when handling reorgs, to reduce load on the DB

Learn more about Insight and how to use it.
Insight is open source.

Joaquim Verges

We've been iterating on our next generation smart accounts contracts. They are ERC-7579 compliant modular smart accounts, unlocking the growing catalog of account modules.

This is a BETA release, so expect some changes, but you can already start playing with it on both TypeScript and DotNet SDKs.

We have published 2 contracts to get you started, a modular account factory and a simple validator module.

Stateless Modular Account Factory

A generic, un-opinionated smart account factory that lets you pick a smart account implementation and any default modules you like.

thirdweb: The complete web3 development platform
Build web3 apps easily with thirdweb’s powerful SDKs, audited smart contracts, and developer tools—for Ethereum & 700+ EVM chains. Try now.

Default Validator Module

A simple validator module, with multi owner and session key support.

thirdweb: The complete web3 development platform
Build web3 apps easily with thirdweb’s powerful SDKs, audited smart contracts, and developer tools—for Ethereum & 700+ EVM chains. Try now.

Usage in TypeScript SDK

Once you have deployed both of those contracts, you can use them in the SDK to deploy accounts for you users, using the new Config smart account presets.

import { sepolia } from "thirdweb/chains";
import { smartWallet, Config } from "thirdweb/wallets/smart";
const modularSmartWallet = smartWallet(
chain: sepolia,
sponsorGas: true,
factoryAddress: "0x...", // the 7579 factory address
validatorAddress: "0x...", // the default validator module address

You now have a modular smart account wallet instance that you can use with the rest of the SDK as usual.

You can also pass this configuration to the Connect UI components:

chain: sepolia,
sponsorGas: true,
factoryAddress: "0x...", // the 7579 factory address
validatorAddress: "0x...", // the default validator module address


API and contracts are still in BETA - expect breaking changes and frequent updates.

Once stabilized, we will deploy a default factory and validator module on all chains which will be the default in the SDKs.

Looking for feedback

We're releasing this early so we can get some feedback from you, play with it on testnet and let us know what you think!

Happy building! 🛠️

Joaquim Verges

We just added support for ERC-6492 signatures in the TypeScript and DotNet SDKs. This means that you can now sign and verify signatures for smart accounts even if they haven't been deployed yet!

If your app uses smart accounts and sign in with ethereum (SIWE), this massively improves the first time user flow. Users can simply proceed to the app: there's no wait for the account to be deployed.

It also reduces cost for app developers, since the cost of deploying smart accounts is incurred on the first transaction, rather than when signing in.

No code changes for this one, just make sure you use the latest version of the SDK on both the signing and the verifying side, or any 6492 compatible signature verification library.

Happy building! 🛠️


We've added new chains to the platform this week!

AppChain: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best AppChain RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.
Metal L2: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best Metal L2 RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.
Xsolla ZK Sepolia Testnet: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best Xsolla ZK Sepolia Testnet RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.
Funki Sepolia Sandbox: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best Funki Sepolia Sandbox RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.
Sanko: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best Sanko RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.
DOS Tesnet: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best DOS Tesnet RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.
DOS Chain: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best DOS Chain RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.
BOB: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best BOB RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.
BOB Sepolia: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best BOB Sepolia RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.

Every chain comes out of the box with SDK support RPC, Engine and Account Abstraction capabilities. All you need is the chain id to get going.

const wallet = smartWallet({
chain: defineChain(388), // just need the chainId!
sponsorGas: true,

For testnets, you'll also find a faucet in each chain page.

Happy building! 🛠️


What's Changed

  • Additions from Thirdweb's .NET SDK Release 2.11.0
    • SmartWallet.PersonalSign no longer requires the SmartWallet to be deployed, increasing speed. Verification is done through ERC-6492. Validating a signature also works with ERC-6492 signatures now. Useful for apps that want to instantly authenticate (using Thirdweb Auth - SIWE for example) without incurring costs.
    • purchaseData can now be passed to Thirdweb Pay quote params, making Direct Payment flows fully featured.
  • InAppWalletOptions now extends EcosystemWalletOptions (no changes to dx).
  • Slightly improved Playground UI.


.NET Release | NuGet Release | Unity Release

Docs | Support


Added the ability to pay for gas with ERC20 tokens when using Smart Wallet.

  • Currently supports Base USDC, Celo CUSD, and Lisk LSK tokens.
  • Simply select a TokenPaymaster when creating a SmartWallet and all transactions will be paid for with the corresponding ERC20 from the user's Smart Wallet.
  • Useful on L2s where the native token is ETH and you want to enshrine another coin or onramp your users directly to that coin.
  • These TokenPaymasters entirely operate onchain, leveraging popular DEXes and decentralized price feeds from Uniswap & Chainlink.
  • This product is in beta, and only compatible with EntryPoint v0.7.0, which we auto select for you if not overriden when configurin your wallet.


import { base, lisk, celo } from "thirdweb/chains";
import { TokenPaymaster, smartWallet } from "thirdweb/wallets";
// Have users pay for gas in Base USDC
const usdcWallet = smartWallet({
chain: base,
sponsorGas: true,
overrides: {
tokenPaymaster: TokenPaymaster.BASE_USDC,
// Have users pay for gas in Lisk LSK
const lskWallet = smartWallet({
chain: lisk,
sponsorGas: true,
overrides: {
tokenPaymaster: TokenPaymaster.LISK_LSK,
// Have users pay for gas in Celo CUSD
const cusdWallet = smartWallet({
chain: celo,
sponsorGas: true,
overrides: {
tokenPaymaster: TokenPaymaster.CELO_CUSD,
Nicholas St. Germain

The latest update brings unparalleled marketplace integration to your fingertips! All 36 marketplace engine calls are now available in C++, Blueprints, and as async tasks, complete with supporting structs to streamline your workflow. Dive into enhanced examples, fetch IPFS nodes seamlessly, and enjoy compatibility with Unreal Engine 5.2 and 5.5 for even greater flexibility. We've cleaned up runtime settings, optimized dynamic tasks, and resolved key build errors to ensure a smooth development experience. Get ready to unlock the full potential of your marketplace projects with these powerful new tools!

What's Changed


  • Bug Report and Feature Request Templates in Repo
  • Missing C++ functions for exising engine calls
  • All 36 marketplace engine calls in c++, Blueprints, and as async tasks with supporting structs
  • Sign In With Ethereum and Link with SIWE
  • Fetch IPFS nodes
  • QR Code Generator for future use


  • Unbind Route on destroy for Browser
  • UE_5.2 compatibility for customer
  • UE_5.5 compatibility
  • Cleanup Runtime settings
  • Cleanup duplicate async tasks for dynamic tasks
  • Updated examples
  • Updated Rust libs


  • intrinsic build errors
  • OAuthBrowserWidget Error being empty


  • Moved BuildPlugin to its own repo

Marketplace | Documentation | Github Release

Phillip Ho

Since introducing Smart Backend Wallets we introduced some new capabilities to Engine and over a dozen bugfixes.

Troubleshoot your webhook implementation

It is important to verify the signature header for Engine webhook calls to verify they came from your Engine. The dashboard now allows you to send a test payload to determine if your webhook endpoint is unreachable, not handling the webhook signature properly, or returning a unexpected response.

On the Webhooks dashboard page, select ... > Test webhook to send an example webhook payload to your backend and see the status code and response body.

Delete backend wallets

You can now delete backend wallets directly from the dashboard. Keep your backend wallets list tidy by removing unused backend wallets.

Better "insufficient funds" errors

Engine now estimates the required amount of gas when it attempts to send a transaction without sufficient gas funds:

Insufficient funds in 0x4Ff9aa707AE1eAeb40E581DF2cf4e14AffcC553d on Polygon Mainnet. Transaction requires > 0.000682043142837 POL.

Notable bugfixes

Lastly we've been squashing bugs to ensure your Engine handles transactions as reliably as possible.

  • Fixed Contract Subscriptions to support all chain IDs (previous large chain IDs like Xai Sepolia were unsupported).
  • Updated dependency libraries to address reported vulnerabilities.
  • Fixed malformed transactions causing the transactions to not load in the dashboard.
  • Fixed an edge case where errors for read contract calls were dropped.
  • Fixed an edge case in nonce self-healing.
  • Fixed Smart Backend Wallet support for certain extension endpoints.
  • Handled a different RPC response that could cause a nonce to be skipped.
  • See Engine release notes for more details.

thirdweb is hiring!

The small team at thirdweb is on a mission to build the most intuitive and complete web3 platform. Our products empower over 70,000 developers each month including Shopify, AWS, Coinbase, Rarible, Animoca Brands, and InfiniGods.

See our open roles. We’d love to work with you!

Phillip Ho

The Engine dashboard now shows all recent versions with timestamps and allows you to select any version to upgrade or downgrade to.

Find the improved version selector in the upper right corner of the Engine dashboard.

Why does it matter?

While Engine releases follows semantic versioning, non-major updates may add input validation or fix an incorrect response (e.g. a 500 that should have been a 400 response). These fixes correct behavior, but in rare cases this may conflict with how your backend sends or parses requests. In these cases, you can now self-service downgrade to a previous Engine version.

Example: Engine used to rely on an older SDK that did not strictly enforce ABIs. In a newer update, provided ABIs must match the proper spec. This may cause write calls that provided an incomplete ABI to start throwing an error.

What's next?

We're aiming to provide visibility in the dashboard when Engine versions change shortly. We also plan to roll out a predictable schedule when cloud-hosted Engines may receive critical security or reliability updates.

thirdweb is hiring!

The small team at thirdweb is on a mission to build the most intuitive and complete web3 platform. Our products empower over 70,000 developers each month including Shopify, AWS, Coinbase, Rarible, Animoca Brands, and InfiniGods.

See our open roles. We’d love to work with you!


What's Changed

  • Added AuthProvider.Steam as a login option for In-App or Ecosystem Wallets.
// Using .NET SDK
var steamWallet = await InAppWallet.Create(client: client, authProvider: AuthProvider.Steam);
if (!await steamWallet.IsConnected())
_ = await steamWallet.LoginWithOauth(...);
var steamWalletAddy = await steamWallet.GetAddress();
// Using Unity SDK
var steamWalletOptions = new WalletOptions(
provider: WalletProvider.InAppWallet,
chainId: 1,
inAppWalletOptions: new InAppWalletOptions(authprovider: AuthProvider.Steam);
var steamWallet = await ThirdwebManager.Instance.ConnectWallet(options);
var steamWalletAddy = await steamWallet.GetAddress();
  • Added the ability to pay for gas with ERC20 tokens when using Smart Wallet.
    • Currently supports Base USDC, Celo CUSD, and Lisk LSK tokens.
    • Simply select a TokenPaymaster when creating a SmartWallet and all transactions will be paid for with the corresponding ERC20 from the user's Smart Wallet.
    • Useful on L2s where the native token is ETH and you want to enshrine another coin or onramp your users directly to that coin.
    • These TokenPaymasters entirely operate onchain, leveraging popular DEXes and decentralized price feeds from Uniswap & Chainlink.
    • This product is in beta, and only compatible with EntryPoint v0.7.0, which we auto select for you if not overriden when configurin your wallet.
// Example of paying for a transaction ERC20 stablecoins instead of native ETH
// Using .NET SDK (Lisk LSK)
var chainId = 1135; // lisk
var erc20SmartWallet = await SmartWallet.Create(
personalWallet: privateKeyWallet,
chainId: chainId,
tokenPaymaster: TokenPaymaster.LISK_LSK
// Using Unity SDK (Base USDC)
var chainId = 8453; // base
var erc20SmartWallet = await ConnectWallet(
new WalletOptions(
inAppWalletOptions: new InAppWalletOptions(authprovider: AuthProvider.Steam),
smartWalletOptions: new SmartWalletOptions(sponsorGas: true, tokenPaymaster: TokenPaymaster.BASE_USDC)
// Then just trigger any transaction!
var erc20SmartWalletAddress = await erc20SmartWallet.GetAddress();
Debug.Log($"ERC20 Smart Wallet address: {erc20SmartWalletAddress}");
var receipt = await erc20SmartWallet.Transfer(chainId: chainId, toAddress: erc20SmartWalletAddress, weiAmount: 0);
Debug.Log($"Receipt: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(receipt, Formatting.Indented)}");


.NET Release | NuGet Release | Unity Release

Docs | Support

Winston Yeo

We supported pregeneration for enclave wallets a while back.

Today, wallet pregeneration is available for in-app wallets too!

What does this mean?

This means that you can now know the in-app wallet address of a user before they register on your platform!

This allows you to perform airdrop, pre-load certain assets, and more!

The API is the same as ecosystem wallets except we don't have to include the ecosystem details:

curl -X POST '' \
-H 'x-secret-key: YOUR_SECRET_KEY_HERE' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"strategy": "email",
"email": ""

On top of that, we also now support pregeneration via custom IDs. This means that you can know your user's address ahead of time even if you use a custom authentication methods like JWT or an auth endpoint.

Here's what that would look like:

curl -X POST '' \
-H 'x-secret-key: YOUR_SECRET_KEY_HERE' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"strategy": "userId",

For more information and background on what pregeneration is all about, check out the newly updated documentation here.

Amine Afia

We're excited to announce that thirdweb Insight has expanded its blockchain data querying capabilities with support for six new chains:

  • Donatuz
  • Avalanche
  • Soneium Minato
  • Fhenix- Helium
  • Ape Chain

What This Means For Developers
With these additions, you can now use all of Insight's powerful features across these new chains:

  • Query on-chain events with the Events Blueprint
  • Track transactions with the Transactions Blueprint
  • Monitor token balances (ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-1155) with the Tokens Blueprint

Replace `<chain-id>` with the specific chain ID you want to query.

For example, to query Avalanche data:

const getAvaxTransfers = async () => {
try {
const response = await fetch(
const walletTransactionsInfo = await response.json();
return walletTransactionsInfo;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);

Use Cases
These new chain additions enable various use cases across different sectors:

  • DeFi
    • Track token movements and trading volume across new DeFi ecosystems
    • Monitor liquidity pools and DEX activity
    • Analyze cross-chain token economics
  • Gaming
    • Track in-game assets and NFTs on gaming-focused chains
    • Monitor player rewards and achievements
    • Analyze gaming economy metrics
  • NFTs
    • Track NFT collections and transfers across new marketplaces
    • Monitor NFT trading activity and ownership
    • Analyze collection performance metrics

View All Supported Chains
For a complete list of supported chains and their respective chain IDs, check the thirdweb chainlist.


As of v5.69.0, we've added Steam as an authentication option in our TypeScript SDK for all the games and game enjoyooors out there. You can setup Steam auth just like any other authentication method.

import { inAppWallet } from "thirdweb/wallets";
const wallet = inAppWallet();
const account = await wallet.connect({
strategy: "steam",

What's Changed

  • Fixed an issue with typed data signing using In-App/Ecosystem Wallets when one of the fields was larger than Uint32.
  • Improved NFT Metadata Population & Added Filters
    • The ERC1155_GetOwnedNFTs extension now returns the QuantityOwned metadata field correctly for each NFT.
    • The ERC721_GetNFT and ERC721_GetAllNFTs extensions can now take in a new fillOwner parameter that defaults to true and decides whether to make additional requests to populate the Owner field of the metadata, otherwise defaulting to Constants.ADDRESS_ZERO.
    • The ERC1155_GetNFT and ERC1155_GetAllNFTs extensions can now take in a new fillSupply parameter that defaults to true and decides whether to make additional requests to populate the Supply field of the metadata, otherwise defaulting to BigInteger.MinusOne.


.NET Release | NuGet Release | Unity Release

Docs | Support

Samina Kabir
Stanley Szeto

With the introduction of modular contracts, we are improving the contract management experience on our dashboard to accompany this new development paradigm.

A modular contract has a core contract and module contracts that compose the entire modular contract. With this development in mind, we want to encourage users to add and remove modules with direct support on dashboard.

The following pre-built modules now have special component support on dashboard to enable users to interact with these modules without depending on the Contract Explorer or SDK.

  • Transferable
  • Royalty
  • OpenEdition
  • BatchMetadata

To check out these changes, deploy a modular contract on dashboard or view your existing contracts with the aforementioned modules installed.

More module UIs will be released in the coming weeks for the remaining modules- stay tuned. We'd love to hear your feedback on these new changes!


We've made yet another improvement to our dashboard analytics, adding both a project and team-based analytics overview page. Now, you can browse analytics for:

  • Weekly and daily active Users
  • All-time users
  • New users by week or day
  • Returning users by week or day
  • Distribution of wallets connected
  • Total wallets connected
  • Distribution of in-app wallet sign-in methods
  • Total in-app wallet logins
  • Total gas sponsored for your users over time
  • ...and more

But there's a catch! You can't see these analytics until you've connected the thirdweb SDK to your app. So start building and your charts can look as amazing as these. 🫡


We've added new chains to the platform this week!

Metis Sepolia Testnet: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best Metis Sepolia Testnet RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and faucet options.
Metis Andromeda: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best Metis Andromeda RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.
Donatuz Testnet: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best Donatuz Testnet RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.
ZERO Testnet (Sepolia): RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best ZERO Testnet (Sepolia) RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.
Blast: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best Blast RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.
Pivotal Sepolia: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best Pivotal Sepolia RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and faucet options.
Skopje Testnet: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best Skopje Testnet RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and faucet options.
GPT: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best GPT RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.
Superseed: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best Superseed RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.
Geist: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best Geist RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.

Every chain comes out of the box with SDK support RPC, Engine and Account Abstraction capabilities. All you need is the chain id to get going.

const wallet = smartWallet({
chain: defineChain(59902), // just need the chainId!
sponsorGas: true,

For testnets, you'll also find a faucet in each chain page.

Happy building! 🛠️

Winston Yeo

Faster In-App Wallet initialization

We've previously sped up in app wallet authentication.

Today, we've dramatically improved our in-app wallet generation speeds. It's now around 40% faster!

Enclave In App Wallet

In app wallets now get to benefit from the updated security model that ecosystem wallets enjoy.

In particular, we've moved to an enclave model allowing for verifiable code execution. This way, you'll know exactly what the private keys are being used for at all times.

This sets us up to use in app wallets in places where we couldn't before. Think CLIs, backend float wallets, etc.

Migration for existing users on the sharded model happens automatically and requires no work on your end.

We've written a more in depth security overview of the new model here.

To enjoy all the latest goodies, simply update to the latest thirdweb SDK version 5.67.0!

Manan Tank

We are introducing a massive change to thirdweb dashboard with a focus on Teams and Projects

API Keys are now Projects

By default all your API keys are converted to projects under a single team as shown below

New Project Dashboard

You can click on your project to view analytics, configure thirdweb services and manage settings.

Easily switch between Teams and Projects

You can quickly switch between teams and projects directly from dashboard header

Team Settings Dashboard

Manage your team's general settings, team members, billing, gas credits and notification alerts in team settings dashboard

Account Management dashboard

We now have an entire dashboard dedicated to Account management. You can manage your teams, view all your contracts and manage authorized devices.

More features coming soon in Q4

  • Create multiple teams
  • Invite and manage team members
  • Account settings
  • Link Engines and Contracts with Projects
  • Link Projects to Ecosystems

What's Changed

  • Having an incorrect or slightly off system time would produce errors when logging in with In-App Wallets in some cases, we have added a fallback in this scenario that will work around this issue.
  • IThirdwebWallet.Transfer now has an optional tokenAddress override to transfer ERC20 tokens using said function; this is an alternative to ThirdwebContract.ERC20_Transfer.
  • ERC1155 transfer-related functions' data bytes parameter has now been made optional.
  • The inability to fetch NFTMetadata when calling an NFT-related method no longer throws, and instead returns NFTMetadata with a description containing the error message.
  • Enables custom implementation for OTP Verification Modal by @Vingator in
    • Introduces abstract OTP verification modal so you can customize it more easily.
    • Shared by In-App and Ecosystem Wallets.


.NET Release | NuGet Release | Unity Release

Docs | Support

Nicholas St. Germain

Exciting new tools and refinements are here with the latest release! Track transactions effortlessly with new nodes for status and receipts, and take advantage of the Blueprint Screenshot Debug feature added directly to your Editor Toolbar. We’ve enhanced security by masking sensitive logs and streamlined configuration with a global PartnerID setting. Plus, enjoy smoother Android authentication and cleaner session key creation. These updates make for a more secure and streamlined experience, so dive in and explore what's new!

What's Changed


  • Get Transaction Status node
  • Get Transaction Receipt nodes
  • Add Blueprint Screenshot Debug Functionality to Editor Toolbar as Button


  • Mask sensitive strings in logging
  • Migrate PartnerID to global configuration, removing from all nodes


  • Use JSI-bound custom tabs to fix android external auth
  • Formatting string on Read Contract


  • Reduce inputs on CreateSessionKey
  • Per node PartnerID

Marketplace | Documentation | Github Release


What's Changed

  • In-App Wallets now use the same infrastructure as Ecosystem Wallets.
    • Up to 90% performance increase, specially on lower end devices or web platforms.
    • Much less cryptography done client side, using secure enclaves over shamir's secret sharing.
    • If you were using In-App Wallets previously, they will be automatically migrated to the new infrastructure upon first login.
      • If you were using custom auth with In-App Wallets before this release, you may pass your legacy encryption key during the creation of your wallet - it will be used to migrate your wallets to the new infrastructure upon first login.
      • Encryption keys are no longer required for In-App Wallets when logging in with JWT (OIDC Compatible Custom Auth) or AuthEndpoint (Generic Custom Auth).
  • Added GetUserDetails method to In-App/Ecosystem Wallets that returns more information about your logged in user.
    • GetEmail and GetPhoneNumber have been deprecated in favor of GetUserDetails
  • Added GetEcosystemDetails method to return general information about your Ecosystem Wallet, can be used for dynamic branding, etc.
  • Fixes TokenERC721_MintTo functions failing with invalid signature; the token id parameter has also been removed.


.NET Release | NuGet Release | Unity Release

Docs | Support

Prithvish Baidya

Engine v2.1.0 introduces Smart Backend Wallets, powered by account abstraction. Key benefits include:

  • No more gas management
  • No need to hold crypto
  • Fewer stuck transactions
  • Backward-compatible interface
  • One-step setup

Why does it matter?

No more gas management

Smart backend wallets send all transactions as user operations from a smart wallet using thirdweb's paymaster. Your wallets no longer need to hold or top-up gas funds, and thirdweb sends you a bill for your gas used.

No need to hold crypto

No more top-ups also means your business no longer needs to hold crypto. This is great news for any business that must avoid holding cryptocurrency tokens for regulatory or financial reasons.

Use a smart backend wallet with an AWS KMS or GCP KMS wallet for enterprise-grade security for the signer.

Fewer stuck transactions

While Engine v2 processes transactions very fast, some chains or nodes may throttle transactions submitted from a single backend wallet. Smart backend wallets circumvent this limitation because transactions (or "user operations") are sent from a large fleet of bundler wallet addresses.

Backward-compatible interface

Smart backend wallets behave like existing (EOA) backend wallets. Simply update your app's x-backend-wallet-address header with the smart backend wallet address. All of Engine's endpoints are supported.

One-step setup

Engine creates an EOA signer wallet and deploys a smart account using thirdweb's battle-tested account factory, or your own.

The EOA signer wallet may be a local wallet, AWS KMS, or GCP KMS. You don't need to keep track of this wallet, Engine manages it behind the scenes.

The thirdweb account that deployed Engine (cloud-hosted) or tied to the thirdweb secret key (self-hosted) will be billed for gas usage. A valid payment method must be on file to send transactions on mainnet chains.

What does it cost?

Smart backend wallets are enabled on all Engine tiers (Standard, Premium, Enterprise, and self-hosted) for no added cost.

User operations on testnet are free, and thirdweb charges a 10% fee for gas used on mainnet chains. See Pricing for more details.

Which chains are supported?

See the list of chains that support account abstraction on thirdweb. Don't see your chain? Reach out to us!

How do I create a smart backend wallet?

The existing Create Backend Wallet endpoint now supports new types: smart:local, smart:aws-kms, and smart:gcp-kms:

POST /backend-wallet/create
"type": "smart:local" // or smart:aws-kms, smart:gcp-kms

Note: AWS KMS and Google Cloud KMS smart wallets require credentials like with existing backend wallets.

(Dashboard support coming soon.)

Now provide the backend wallet address to any Engine API that accepts a backend wallet to start using it. We can't wait to see what you build with these new capabilities!

Background: Why we built this in Engine

This update represents a major step forward in making web3 infrastructure more accessible and manageable for teams. Whether you're building a game, marketplace, or DeFi app, smart backend wallets provide the foundation for scalable, secure, and efficient blockchain operations.

The benefits mentioned above address the top pain points we heard from customers, and we believe account abstraction-based wallets are the ideal solution.

Account abstraction is complex, but thirdweb (Engine, SDK, infrastructure, contracts) handles the full stack:

  • Manage smart accounts
    • Deploy and manage smart account factory contracts
    • Initialize EntryPoint contract connections
    • Handle complex account deployment logic
    • Manage deterministic address computation
  • Send user operations
    • Build UserOperation
    • Calculate gas parameters (verification gas, pre-verification gas)
    • Handle signature schemes and validation
    • Manage nonces across operations
  • Bundler infrastructure
    • Run or connect to ERC-4337 bundlers
    • Handle bundler connections and failovers
    • Monitor bundle status and handle failures
    • Manage complex retry mechanisms
  • Gas management
    • Maintain gas balance
    • Alert and top-up wallets
    • Handle gas price fluctuations
    • Manage paymaster integrations

thirdweb is hiring!

The small team at thirdweb is on a mission to build the most intuitive and complete web3 platform. Our products empower over 70,000 developers each month including Shopify, AWS, Coinbase, Rarible, Animoca Brands, and InfiniGods.

See our open roles. We’d love to work with you!


We are excited to announce the release of Insight v0.0.6-beta! This version brings significant improvements to enhance your blockchain data analysis experience.

🚀 New Features

Enable Aggregates and GROUP BY

You can now perform aggregate functions and use GROUP BY clauses in your queries. This enhancement allows for more sophisticated data analysis, enabling you to summarise and categorise blockchain data effectively.

Transactions Lookup by Signatures

We've added the ability to look up transactions based on their function signatures. This feature simplifies filtering and analysing transactions that invoke specific smart contract functions.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where bytes were incorrectly truncated from non-address topics and ensured proper handling of empty topics.

🛠 Other Improvements

  • Strip and normalise Solidity function and event signatures for consistent querying.
  • Added options for Clickhouse TLS and API basic authentication to enhance security.
  • Implemented a whitelist for allowed Clickhouse functions to control query executions.
  • Updated Docker image tagging in the release workflow for streamlined deployments.

🔄 Also in v0.0.5-beta

Minor Insight v0.0.5-beta has been released previously without receiving its own changelog, and here are the main takes from it:

  • Added Clickhouse and poller settings for better configuration management.
  • Implemented skipping of unmerged blocks in the reorg handler to enhance stability.
  • Skipped duplicate blocks in the committer to prevent redundant data processing.
  • Introduced missing block polling in the gap handler and committer to ensure data completeness.

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please feel free to open an issue in our GitHub repository.

Joaquim Verges

Your project's dashboard just became more useful with a new set of metrics to track the growth of your apps!

Login to your account, select your project and head over to the Connect tab to see an overview of your aggregated metrics for connections, in-app wallets, account abstraction and pay. You can also dive deeper into each individual section for more detailed metrics.

This is just scratching the surface of all the insights Connect can give you about how your app is performing. Keep an eye out on your dashboards for more stats and metrics.

Happy Building! 🛠️

Nicholas St. Germain

Our latest release introduces even more control and functionality to your workflow! With new raw contract read/write capabilities, enhanced mobile URL redirects, and automated deeplink registration on Android, you’re set up for seamless integration. Improved organization and logging, situationally-enforced external OAuth for added compatibility, and optimized async task handling all work together to keep your development smooth and efficient. Dive in to experience these enhancements and fine-tune your projects like never before!

What's Changed


  • Generic Raw Read/Write Contract via Engine
  • Mobile AppURL redirect override
  • Engine Base URL + Access Token added to settings
  • Automatic Deeplink registration on android devices


  • GetLinkedAccounts automatically converted to data struct
  • Rust Core updated
  • Async Tasks grouped into folder structure
  • Imports cleaned up
  • Logging cleaned up to Verbose/VeryVerbose
  • Enforced external auth for some OAuth providers
  • .h/.cpp split out for some files
  • Async Tasks now check for game thread and use weakThis refs

Marketplace | Documentation | Github Release

Joaquim Verges

We just released a new version of the thirdweb Connect SDK which comes with a refreshed prebuilt UI components for executing transactions, onramping, bridging and swapping any token.

The new UI brings a simpler onramping flow showing you all your available balances up front, easy way to pay with another wallet and with a credit card.

We also upgraded the transaction flow to make it clearer for when your users don't hold enough funds in their wallets to complete a transaction.

Try it out live on the playground:

Happy building! 🛠️


What's Changed

  • Upgraded base project/examples to Unity 6 and Playground from In-App to Ecosystem Wallet.
    • Much faster on platforms like WebGL and lower end devices.
    • Ecosystem Wallets are shareable with third parties.
  • Added a link.xml to cover Thirdweb's .NET Core assemblies. Minimal stripping is no longer a hard requirement unless using WalletConnect as one of your wallet provider options.
  • Updated base project Android settings to target Min API 34 to match latest store policies.
  • Upgraded EDM4U (External Dependency Manager) - contains various improvements.


Unity Release | Docs


We've added new chains to the platform this week!

Immutable zkEVM: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best Immutable zkEVM RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.
Immutable zkEVM Testnet: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best Immutable zkEVM Testnet RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and faucet options.
Ozean: RPC and Chain Settings
Use the best Ozean RPC and add to your wallet. Discover the chain ID, native token, explorers, and more.

Every chain comes out of the box with SDK support RPC, Engine and Account Abstraction capabilities. All you need is the chain id to get going.

const wallet = smartWallet({
chain: defineChain(13473), // just need the chainId!
sponsorGas: true,

For testnets, you'll also find a faucet in each chain page.

Happy building! 🛠️


What's Changed

  • Added AuthProvider.Twitch as a new auth provider option for logging in with In-App or Ecosystem Wallets.
  • Upgrading an EcosystemWallet to a SmartWallet without passing optional parameters will now attempt to use defaults from your dashboard Account Abstraction settings if any.
    • Create a SmartWallet with an EcosystemWallet as a signer and no additional conflicting overrides to make use of this feature.
    • Explicitly passed SDK overrides will always take priority over dashboard options.
    • If dashboard options are unavailable/unset, we revert to previous default values for gas sponsorship and account factories.

This comes after a couple patches worth noting:

  • Added AuthProvider.Github as a new auth provider option for logging in with In-App or Ecosystem Wallets.
  • MetaMaskWallet: GetAddress now enforces returning correctly checksummed address.
  • WalletConnectWallet: Closing the modal now throws and interrupts the connection process properly.
  • WalletConnect and MetaMask wallet providers now hexify messages passed to IThirdwebWallet.PersonalSign before signing.
    • If you were signing a hash or a string starting with 0x before, nothing changes.
    • If you were signing a raw message like "Hello World" UTF8 String, we'd hexify it before sending it over to the wallet.
    • This fixes display issues on the latest version of MetaMask (specially mobile) which no longer supports plain text parameters for personal_sign.
  • Removes latest parameter from eth_estimateGas being used in ThirdwebTransaction.EstimateGasLimit on non-zk chains and methods that use it by extension, fixing issues on chains that do not support that parameter such as Binance Testnet.
  • When using WalletConnect, attempts to fetch current active chain if applicable by corresponding wallet and avoid the additional requests to ensure correct network upon connection if unnecessary.


.NET Release | Nuget Release | Unity Release

Docs | Support

Joaquim Verges

We just released an update for ecosystem owners. You can now setup custom authentication, and enable smart account options right from the dashboard.

When enabling account abstraction options, ecosystem wallets will automatically be converted to smart accounts without any code change, allowing for sponsored transactions, session keys, batched transactions and more. Make sure to use the latest version of the SDK.

Custom authentication allows to specify your own endpoint to handle auth verification yourself, opening up for any authentication you can think of.

Let us know what you think!

Toomas Oosalu


  • Introduced a fromBlock configuration option for the committer, allowing users to specify a custom starting block. This enhancement provides flexibility in data processing by starting committing from a specific block height.
  • Added support for eth_getBlockReceipts RPC method, enhancing transaction data storage and providing additional transaction fields like contract_address, gas_used, and status. The configuration now supports enabling block receipts, improving data collection efficiency.


  • Improved poller initialization with enhanced handling of ForceFromBlock configuration.
  • Updated storage interfaces to include a range start parameter for precise block range handling, with adjustments made to ClickHouse, memory storage, and mock storage implementations.
  • Optimized ClickHouse table schemas for better query performance. Changes include ordering by block number and introducing a function_selector column in the transactions table, along with indexing every log topic to facilitate query-based filtering.
  • Removed the FINAL keyword from ClickHouse queries where it was deemed unnecessary.

Learn more about Insight at


We've added Twitch as an authentication strategy for all in-app and ecosystem wallets with thirdweb SDK v5.63.0.

import { inAppWallet } from "thirdweb/wallets";
const wallet = inAppWallet();
const account = await wallet.connect({
strategy: "twitch",

Include Twitch in the <ConnectButton /> like any other strategy.

auth: {
options: ["twitch", "google", "telegram"],

Other Improvements

  • Treasure Topaz has been added to the support ZK chains
  • Storage improvements for PWA reliability
Nicholas St. Germain

Say hello to seamless wallet linking and streamlined development with our latest release! We've consolidated key functionality for wallet creation, sign-ins, and message signing, making it easier than ever to build with dynamic K2Nodes. With enhanced asynchronous task handling and updated examples to match the new blueprint nodes, you’ll experience a smoother, more efficient workflow. Plus, we’ve cleaned up unused code, ensuring a leaner and more optimized system for your projects. Dive in and explore the new possibilities!

What's Changed


  • Ecosystem Wallet Linking
  • Dynamic K2Nodes to consolidate functionality for Creating Wallets, Signing in, and signing messages
  • AsyncTaskThirdweb{Purpose}Base files to standardize code
  • K2Node_ThirdwebBase to standardize K2Node creation
  • Static CountryCode convenience definitions for Phone OTP
  • ThirdwebUncookedOnly module to house all K2Node related code


  • Examples updated to match changed blueprint nodes
  • All networked C++ Functions migrated to UE::Tasks threads with delegate return types
  • All Blueprint functions mapped to now-delegate C++ functions converted to AsyncTasks


  • EThirdwebAuthenticationMethod dangling unused enum

Marketplace | Documentation | Github Release

Prithvish Baidya

We're excited to announce a significant performance upgrade to thirdweb Engine's AWS and GCP Key Management Service (KMS) support. Engine v2.0.22 dramatically improves transaction processing speed and simplifies KMS workflow.

What's New?

🚀 Blazing Fast KMS Integration

  • Massive performance boost: transaction sending time reduced from 5+ minutes (for very high volumes) to sub-seconds
  • Internally we removed an ethers dependency, in favour of a native integration with the v5 thirdweb SDK for improved efficiency

🔑 Multi-Wallet Type Support

  • Use multiple wallet types simultaneously within the same Engine instance
  • Create different wallet types using the new type parameter in the create backend wallet endpoint

🔐 Streamlined AWS KMS Setup

  • Simplified import endpoint for AWS KMS
  • Only ARN (Amazon Resource Name) required; keyId no longer necessary

🔧 Fine-Grained Credential Control

  • Override global KMS credentials on a per-key basis
  • Optionally specify credentials when importing wallets for granular security management

Why This Matters

  • Lightning-Fast Transactions: Send KMS transactions in seconds instead of minutes regardless of volume, allowing for more responsive dApps.
  • Simplified Workflow: Easier setup and management of KMS wallets within Engine.
  • Enhanced Flexibility: Multi-wallet support and fine-grained credential control offer more options for managing your blockchain operations.
  • Improved Scalability: Handle higher transaction volumes with ease, perfect for high-traffic dApps.

thirdweb Engine is an open-source server for your app to read, write, and deploy contracts at production scale. Self-host for free or get a cloud-hosted Engine for $99/month.

thirdweb is hiring!

The small team at thirdweb is on a mission to build the most intuitive and complete web3 platform. Our products empower over 70,000 developers each month including Shopify, AWS, Coinbase, Rarible, Animoca Brands, and InfiniGods.

See our open roles. We’d love to work with you!

Phillip Ho

Engine has been updated to v2.0.25 which brings a handful of improvements.

Account salt: make AA calls before deploying the contract

First what is an account salt? The account salt is a unique ID that deterministically predicts a wallet address for a given admin + smart account factory.

This means your backend can provide a unique ID (like your dApp's user ID) as an account salt to Engine, and Engine will consistently reference and/or deploy the same smart account address each time (for the same admin + factory).

Here's an example:

My game has user IDs uid1, uid2, and uid3.

When a user signs up, the user's smart account calls my game contract.

Steps without account salt
1. User signs up.
2. Backend calls Engine to create a smart account.
3. Backend waits for the transaction to be mined.
4. Backend calls Engine with x-account-address: <address from step 2> to call the contract on behalf of the account.

Steps with account salt
1. User signs up.
2. Backend calls Engine with x-account-salt: uid1 to call the contract on behalf of the account.

💡 Bonus: The account is not deployed until a write transaction, deferring gas fees until the account is actually used!

The following endpoints now accept the x-account-salt header (more to come!):

  • /contract/:chain/:contractAddress/write
  • /contract/:chain/:contractAddress/erc20/claim-to
  • /contract/:chain/:contractAddress/erc721/claim-to
  • /contract/:chain/:contractAddress/erc1155/claim-to

To deploy a smart account from the account salt, call Create Smart Account and set the extraData arg to the salt.

To predict a smart account address from the account salt without deploying it, call Predict Address and set the extraData arg to the salt.

Improved API reference

Our API reference page has moved! 👉

This new API reference docs make it easier to search for endpoints (try CTRL/⌘+K), see path/query/body params, and view sample code.

You can even test requests right in the API docs page! Select Test Request and provide the following details:

Improved retry endpoint

The Send Retry (Synchronous) endpoint now allows retrying any transaction that was sent (either still waiting to be mined or "timed out"). This commonly occurs when a transaction is stuck because of gas spikes or other network congestion.

If a transaction appears stuck, try to resend with aggressive (3-10x) gas fees:

await fetch('https://<YOUR_ENGINE_URL>/transaction/sync-retry', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Authorization: 'Bearer <YOUR_SECRET_TOKEN>'
body: JSON.stringify({
queueId: '9eb88b00-f04f-409b-9df7-7dcc9003bc35',
maxFeePerGas: '500000000000', // 500 gwei
maxPriorityFeePerGas: '100000000000', // 100 gwei

Plenty of bugfixes + improvements

  • Fixed issue signing messages with Google Cloud KMS and AWS KMS wallets.
  • Fixed import of Google Cloud KMS wallets. (Thanks @yukia3e !)
  • Fixed 500 response when using an unrecognized backend wallet.
  • Updated userOp code to the latest thirdweb SDK -> simpler code and performance optimizations.
  • Fix nonce resync worker exiting early when there are multiple wallets sending transactions concurrently.
  • Handle errors of different types better to avoid "empty" error messages.
  • Fallback if the contract write call is provided an incomplete ABI (missing inputs or outputs fields).
  • Updated log lines to be single-line for improved debuggability.
  • Added lots of new route tests around signMessage, contract write, and userOps.

thirdweb is hiring!

The small team at thirdweb is on a mission to build the most intuitive and complete web3 platform. Our products empower over 70,000 developers each month including Shopify, AWS, Coinbase, Rarible, Animoca Brands, and InfiniGods.

See our open roles. We’d love to work with you!

Toomas Oosalu

Version v0.0.3-beta focuses on data accuracy by introducing handling for reorgs. Other changes include refactoring the RPC component for easier reuse, creating a test setup with initial tests and improving the setup for running Insight locally.

Features and Enhancements

  • Reorganization Handling and Storage Enhancements
    • Introduced a new `ReorgHandler` component to detect and handle blockchain reorganizations, with updated metrics to track performance.
    • Added storage support for chain reorganization
    • Configurable reorg handler settings to manage detection intervals and block scans.
  • Refactored RPC Client and Modularity Improvements
    • Created an `IRPCClient` interface for better abstraction and testability of the RPC client.
    • Refactored RPC-related functionality into a dedicated `rpc` package to improve code structure and performance.
    • Updated orchestrator components to utilize the enhanced RPC client setup.
    • Simplified RPC interactions with utility functions for data serialization.
  • Data Insertion Refactoring
    • Overhauled data insertion logic in the storage layer for configurable batching strategy, enhancing transaction handling across different storage systems.
    • Introduced `InsertDataForBlocks` method in storage interfaces, streamlining data insertion processes.

API Changes

  • API Configuration and Documentation
    • Made the API host configurable, enhancing deployment flexibility across environments.
    • Updated Swagger documentation handling to dynamically generate API docs at the `/openapi.json` endpoint.
  • CORS Support
    • Added CORS middleware to API routes, improving cross-origin request handling and enhancing API accessibility.

Infrastructure and Tooling

  • Continuous Integration and Testing Setup
    • Established a testing framework using Testify and Mockery, and integrated CI workflows.
  • Local Development Enhancements
    • Added an option to disable TLS for ClickHouse and included a Docker Compose setup for easier local development and testing.

Learn more about Insight at

Stanley Szeto

It's been a long time coming, but now we're finally here. With the completion of the audit of the refactor of Modular Contracts and the Token Paymaster Gateway, Modular Contracts have officially been released under version v1.0.0

The audit was completed by 0xMacro under the git commit tagged macro-audit-9.
You can read about the full report here and you can read about all the changes introduced from the refactor here

As always, with security being top of mind and with the completion of the audit, modular contracts are now finally in a state ready for production.

So stay tuned for our official release of modular contracts!

Joaquim Verges

We shipped an update to the Connect UI in react native that allows users to select any of the 300+ mobile wallets to connect to.

This is enabled by default when you use the ConnectButton and ConnectEmbed in React Native. You can turn off this behavior by passing showAllWallets: false

As always, you can also connect to any of these wallets headlessly using the react hooks and TypeScript core functions.

Happy building! 🛠️


What's Changed

  • Adds MarketplaceV3 extensions.
    • Supports IDirectListings, IEnglishAuctions and IOffers
    • Easier to use than direct ThirdwebContract.Write calls as the extensions are type safe and able to automatically handle approvals and more (opt-in).
    • Full reference here - accessible using contract.Marketplace extensions.
  • New Utilities
    • Adds standalone Utils.FetchGasPrice (legacy tx) and Utils.FetchGasFees (eip-1559) functions to retrieve chain gas info if needed.
    • Adds Utils.HexToBigInt converting hex strings to BigInteger directly.


.NET Release | Nuget Release | Unity Release

Docs | Support

Manan Tank

We are introducing a massive change to thirdweb dashboard with a focus on Teams and Projects - currently in Beta and available for preview on - Try it out!

The new dashboard adds the following features:

  • Organize projects within teams to keep your initiatives organized and secure.
  • Invite and Manage team members
  • Assign permissions to team members

This new team dashboard will replace the current dashboard by October 21st, 2024.

Joaquim Verges

We shipped an update to make it easier to link multiple identities to the same in-app or ecosystem account on React web and native.

You can now use the useLinkProfiles() to easily link a new identity to the connected account. A great use case for this is to onboard users with strategy: "guest" to reduce friction, then when they've engaged with your app, prompt them to link an email or social account.

const wallet = inAppWallet();
// First onboard the user as guest
const OnboardingComponent = () => {
const { connect } = useConnect();
const loginAsGuest = () => {
connect(() => {
await wallet.connect({ client, strategy: "guest" });
return wallet;
// Then link a profile once they've engaged with the app
const LoginComponent = () => {
const { mutate: linkProfile } = useLinkProfile();
const loginWithGoogle = async () => {
await linkProfile({ client, strategy: "google" });

Once a user has linked an identity, they can use that identity to login back to the same account later. So in the example above, the user can now login with google next time they need to login to your app.

Another great feature is linking web3 wallets to the account:

const { mutate: linkProfile } = useLinkProfile();
const linkWallet = async () => {
await linkProfile({
strategy: "wallet",
wallet: createWallet("io.metamask"), // or any wallet

This will require a signature, ensuring the user owns that wallet. A great use case is doing read only operations on the linked wallets, like checking social profiles, ownership of an NFT or onchain history.

You can fetch all the linked profiles using the useProfiles() hook.

const { data: profiles } = useProfiles();
// each profile type can have different details

We also update the playground site, see it in action here:

You can also view more detailed documentation on our developer portal.

Happy building! 🛠️

Amine Afia

The latest updates to Insight API lay the foundation for a scalable API. This release introduces a switch to a more mature web framework, along with significant improvements to API documentation. Here’s a summary of what’s new in this version:

Switch from Chi to Gin Web Framework

To enhance performance and streamline our development, Insight has transitioned from the Chi web framework to Gin. This change sets the foundation for better scalability and more responsive APIs.

Swagger Documentation Integration

Insight now features full Swagger integration! We’ve added Swagger documentation to help developers better understand and interact with Insight’s APIs. Swagger provides an intuitive and interactive user interface for exploring API endpoints, which streamlines the development process. Navigate to /swagger/index.html# to start exploring the swagger documentation and interacting with the API.

New Swagger JSON Endpoint

To further improve Swagger’s functionality, we’ve introduced a dedicated Swagger JSON endpoint. This allows developers to directly fetch the OpenAPI specification in JSON format, making it easier to integrate and generate client code. Navigate to /openapi.json to fetch the openAPI json spec.

learn more about insight at


We're continuing to ship further improvements across the board with a focus on enhancing contract metadata retrieval and verification. Before diving into this release’s updates, here’s a quick reminder of this part of the thirdweb platform:

Our contract service is a crucial backend tool for managing smart contracts and contracts-related off-chain interactions within the thirdweb platform and beyond. It streamlines key tasks such as fetching and aggregating comprehensive contract metadata (including ABIs and compilation details) and automates the publishing and verification of contracts on popular blockchain explorers.

By removing the often complex, manual steps involved in contract verification, the service makes it far easier for developers to interact with and deploy smart contracts. We'll be unveiling more information about this service in the future, as we consider making this logic a public good, if you know what we mean ;)

But back to our updates:

  • Fix parsing issues with dynamic contracts: Resolved issues with parsing complex dynamic contracts, particularly those utilising the Diamond pattern, improving ABI resolution accuracy.
  • Correct propagation of internal 4XX errors: Improved inter-service communication and correct handling of errors caused by , ensuring proper communication of errors to clients.
  • Fix logging error messages: Corrected logging issues to enhance observability, ensuring more accurate error tracking and monitoring.
  • XrpLedger explorers update: Addressed verification issues on the XrpLedger chain by updating the explorer configurations.
  • Clean up tests: Improved the test suite for better reliability and maintainability of the codebase.
  • Introduce versioning: Implemented versioning to enhance transparency and accountability, paving the way for future open-source contributions.

As for the remarkable highlight, due to the changes made in recent weeks, this service has witnessed drastic improvements in Service Level Objectives (SLOs):

  • Error rate when resolving metadata improved from 62.4% to 97.9%.
  • Latency improved from 70.2% to 93.2%.

Stay tuned as we continue refining and expanding features for contract metadata retrievals and verifications.

Toomas Oosalu

Version v0.0.2-beta brings with it many reliability improvements to make it more robust and fault-tolerant.


  • Added the `poller_last_triggered_block` metric to enhance visibility into poller activity and ensure better progress tracking.
  • Enhanced poller logging to report the number of blocks being polled and improved robustness with dynamic slice allocation in serialization.


  • Changed the `logs` table engine to `ReplacingMergeTree` for broader compatibility.
  • Refined gap detection and handling by introducing a new `handleGap` function, enhancing logging for better gap visibility, and ensuring block failures are recorded for missing blocks.


  • Fixed an issue with incorrect poll gaps when `pollUntilBlock` is configured.
  • Fixed block number handling to improve metric precision, eliminating the need for temporary division workarounds.


  • Removed database prefixes from table creation scripts to allow flexible database organization.

What's next?

Next release will introduce reorg handling which will ensure data reliability for Insight.

Phillip Ho

Engine v2.0.19 improves handling of maximum gas fee overrides and introduces timeouts.

  • Smarter max gas fees: When the gas prices are high and your backend specifies a maximum gas fee, Engine delays the transaction until prices fall below your override.
  • Timeouts: Engine will drop your transaction if it isn't sent within your specified timeout.

Use cases

  • Save gas when sending periodic updates to your onchain database that can tolerate higher latency.
  • Set a timeout on your DeFi trades to avoid large changes in token prices.


To specify a transfer transaction that spends up to 30 gwei of gas and tries up to 48 hours, add the following fields:

POST /backend-wallet/8453/transfer
// Arguments for a transfer transaction
"to": "0xA954fC66de1F90cFB4f29F0ABa391412406820B7",
"amount": "0.5",
// 👇 Specify these overrides based on your chain's gas settings
"txOverrides": {
"maxFeePerGas": "30000000000",
"maxPriorityFeePerGas": "1000000000",
"timeoutSeconds": 172800
💡 Tip: It is highly recommended to set a timeout when setting a maxFeePerGas. Otherwise if gas prices don't fall, transactions may be in your queue indefinitely.

For details, see Overriding Gas Settings.

thirdweb is hiring!

The small team at thirdweb is on a mission to build the most intuitive and complete web3 platform. Our products empower over 70,000 developers each month including Shopify, AWS, Coinbase, Rarible, Animoca Brands, and InfiniGods.

See our open roles. We’d love to work with you!


What's Changed

Account Abstraction Improvements

We've sped up SmartWallet transactions and optimized various internal flows, resulting in up to 50% speed increases from transaction creation to estimation to a receipt being returned. This applies for all flows

Furthermore, we've added an internal feature to automatically detect if a chain is built on the zkSync stack and unlock zkSync specific functionality such as zkSync specific transaction input or Native Account Abstraction automatically.

New Features

Added Utils.GetSocialProfiles - fetch ENS, Farcaster and Lens profiles given a wallet address or ENS as well as their metadata and more.

A single line of code to fetch metadata about a wallet address and display it in game as you please!

SocialProfiles socialProfiles = await Utils.GetSocialProfiles(client, addressOrEns: "joenrv.eth");

Example returned object

"EnsProfiles": [
"name": "joenrv.eth",
"address": "0x2247d5d238d0f9d37184d8332aE0289d1aD9991b",
"avatar": "ipfs://bafybeic2wvtpv5hpdyeuy6o77yd5fp2ndfygppd6drdxvtfd2jouijn72m"
"FarcasterProfiles": [
"fid": 2735,
"bio": "Eng Lead @ thirdweb",
"pfp": "",
"username": "joaquim",
"addresses": [
"LensProfiles": [
"name": "joaquim",
"bio": "Lead engineer @thirdweb",
"picture": ""
"OtherProfiles": []

Unified Identity - Account Linking DX Improvements

  • Exposes Account Linking functionality (LinkAccount & GetLinkedAccounts) at the IThirdwebWallet level.
  • You may now link accounts directly to a SmartWallet signer i.e. personal wallet without needing to fetch the signer with SmartWallet.GetPersonalWallet or deal with casting to the right types.
  • External wallets or external wallets being used as SmartWallet signers do not support this feature.


Unity Release | .NET Release | NuGet Release

Docs | Support

Nicholas St. Germain

Unlock a world of new possibilities with the latest enhancements to our plugin! From a streamlined settings toolbar and external OAuth browser to expanded support for popular platforms like Discord, Telegram, and Coinbase, this release brings powerful tools right to your fingertips. With ecosystem wallet integration, guest login options, and enhanced mobile OAuth support, you're equipped to create dynamic, secure experiences with ease. Plus, enjoy a cleaner setup with updated examples and safer client enforcement!

What's Changed


  • Plugin Icon
  • Editor Toolbar Button for Settings Quick Access
  • ThirdwebEditor Module for editor-only functionality
  • External OAuth Browser
  • Per-provider OAuth settings config
  • Ecosystem Wallets
  • Phone Option to OTP auth methods
  • JWT, Auth Endpoint, and Guest Sign In methods
  • Discord, Farcaster, Telegram, Line, X, and Coinbase OAuth methods
  • External OAuth Complete screen
  • Static accessors to all Runtime settings


  • Google Auth on mobile via external OAuth
  • Updated rust core libs
  • InApp / Ecosystem Wallets to child structs
  • Examples to match changed structs / functions


  • Private Key functionality (Superseded by guest login)
  • Secret Key runtime setting - Safer to enforce client + bundle

Marketplace | Documentation | Github Release

Phillip Ho

Engine has been updated to v2.0.18. Here are some notable changes in the past few versions:

Version updates are now instant!

For cloud-hosted Engine customers, the primary account* for an Engine can trigger an version update from the dashboard UI.

⚠️ We recommend pausing critical traffic during this time as there may be up to a minute of downtime.

*The account that owns the subscription. We're working on better Engine management for teams in the near future!

Improved API input validation

All endpoints that accept an EVM address or transaction hash now enforce the type on input, returning a clearer message before the request fails further with a less obvious error (like "Contract not found" when provided a malformed address).

Faster Docker builds

Docker build times have been reduced ~85% down to 7 minutes! This mostly impacts developers building Engine from source.

A bunch of bugfixes + stability improvements

  • Gas withdrawals from a backend wallet are more reliable by calculating the max amount of funds that can be withdrawn with the current gas settings.
  • Reduced Redis usage when many jobs that fail to mine.
  • More reliable "stuck nonce" health checks that alert our on-call. (Cloud-hosted only)

What's next?

The team's focus is on internal alerting and deeper observability into all the dependencies of Engine.

Upcoming product improvements include smart accounts capabilities, more granular options to handle gas spikes, API performance improvements with the v5 SDK, improvements to Alert Notifications, and more. Stay tuned for more changelog updates!

thirdweb is hiring!

The small team at thirdweb is on a mission to build the most intuitive and complete web3 platform. Our products empower over 70,000 developers each month including Shopify, AWS, Coinbase, Rarible, Animoca Brands, and InfiniGods.

See our open roles. We’d love to work with you!

Toomas Oosalu

We are excited to announce the initial release of thirdweb Insight - an open source indexer and API for any EVM.

Key features


Provide an RPC URL and index the whole blockchain (or choose a range), including all blocks, transactions, logs and traces. It will keep up with the chain in real time and keep indexing as the chain progresses.

During our internal testing we achieved a indexing speed of up to 65k blocks per minute. However, this speed depends on the performance of the RPC and heaviness of the chain.

Data correctness

The service is built with the requirement of only serving complete and correct data. Once the block range is indexed, you can be sure that it contains all the transactions and logs that there are without missing any gaps. This is especially important for querying data aggregations like token balances.

Failure recovery

The indexer is designed to recover itself in case of any failures or an unreachable RPC. It will not serve incomplete data and will continue from where the error occurred, once the error has been solved.


The service exposes an HTTP API to query transactions and logs complete with aggregations. Here are just a few examples of what you can query using the API:

  • Current and historic token balances
  • Historic transactions of a specific wallet
  • Transactions to a specific contract
  • and much more

This initial release of thirdweb Insight lays the groundwork for a performant indexing service and API. We look forward to your feedback and contributions as we continue to enhance and expand the functionality of it. Thank you for your support!

Joaquim Verges

We just released a new version of the thirdweb package which unlocks ecosystem wallet support for React Native applications.

You can now connect to any ecosystem wallet from native mobile apps with the same API as the web:

import { ecosystemWallet } from "thirdweb/wallets";
const wallet = ecosystemWallet("ecosystem.your-ecosystem");
await wallet.connect({
strategy: "google", // or any auth method

This means you can now build up a network of web AND mobile apps that all share the same user identity, all while staying within your ecosystem.

Happy building!


In this release, we’ve introduced key enhancements to ABI resolution for composite contracts, improved functionality for managing contract metadata, and made updates to our persistence layer to ensure more robust performance.

Improved ABI Resolution for Composite Contracts

We've refactored the ABI resolution process, focusing on better handling of composite contracts like plugin-pattern, base router, and diamond pattern contracts. This included ensuring extra stability by introducing checks to prevent recursive calls and other redundant resources-heavy mechanics.

Additional Improvements

  • Improved the schema for better handling of proxy contracts.
  • Added functionality to refresh contract metadata across all persistence layers, simplifying data management.
  • Updated persistence-related functions for better error handling and performance, especially in scenarios involving proxies and non-proxy contracts.
  • Improved build times and dependency management (could this hint at something bigger, perhaps even... open-sourcing the project s00n? 👀)

With these updates rolling out we get faster ABI resolutions and even more reliable contract data persistence!