
Learn how to add Connect SDK to your application, log in your users, and allow them to interact with your application.

The following guide is in Typescript. You can also learn how to integrate Connect with our Unity SDK.

  • Install the Connect SDK

    npm i thirdweb
  • Get Your Client ID

    Log in to the thirdweb dashboard. Navigate to the Settings page and create an API key to get your Client ID.

  • Set up the Client, Provider and ConnectButton

    • Pass your clientId to createThirdwebClient
    • Wrap your application with a ThirdwebProvider
    • Add a ConnectButton to your application
    import { createThirdwebClient } from "thirdweb";
    import { ThirdwebProvider, ConnectButton } from "thirdweb/react";
    export const client = createThirdwebClient({ clientId: <your_client_id> });
    export default function App() {
    return (
    <ConnectButton client={client} />
  • Interact With A Wallet

    Once your user has logged in by clicking the ConnectButton, you can interact with their wallet.

    Here's how to:

    • Get the wallet address using useActiveAccount
    • Read the wallet balance using useWalletBalance
    import { useActiveAccount, useWalletBalance } from "thirdweb/react";
    export default function MyComponent() {
    // 1. get wallet address
    const account = useActiveAccount();
    console.log("wallet address", account?.address);
    // 2. get wallet balance
    const { data: balance, isLoading } = useWalletBalance({
    address: account?.address,
    "wallet balance",
  • Send a Transaction

    Extensions are the easiest way to prepare transactions.

    • Import the Extension you want to use
    • Define your contract with getContract on your target chains
    • Call the useSendTransaction mutation hook
    • Execute the transaction using the mutate function
    import { getContract } from "thirdweb";
    import { sepolia } from "thirdweb/chains";
    import { useSendTransaction } from "thirdweb/react";
    // 1. import the extension you want to use
    import { transfer } from "thirdweb/extensions/erc20";
    // 2. define the target contract
    const USDC = getContract({
    address: USDC_ADDRESS,
    chain: sepolia,
    export default function MyComponent() {
    // 3. call the useSendTransaction hook
    const { mutate: sendTransaction, isPending } = useSendTransaction();
    const onClick = () => {
    // 4. execute the transaction (send 15 USDC to the target address)
    const transaction = transfer({
    contract: USDC,
    amount: 15,
    to: "0x...",
  • You're Ready to build

    Congratulations, you've connected a wallet and sent a transaction from your application! You can now explore all the other accessible features in the full React documentation.